
Sunday, February 24, 2008

We've been skating

.....well, TOWFM has been skating and so have I, but not together. He went into Bristol with a gang of boys (obviously i'm doja non grata - am i as embarrassing as him mum then?) and i went skating on a puddle in fulwood lane....i let TOWFM come with me! Mind you, it was a bit scrabbly and i did end up with my feet in some very cold water....wonder if TOWFM and his mates did too?
Had quite a bit of success getting with the other puupies on the couch this week, though it's a bit of a tight squeeze when the-one-who-now-chauffers-me comes home and i end up with one leg behind TOWFM and one in front. Mind you at least they then pay me some attention - otherwise i've found i have to go and get my puppy and look all appealing to get some notice.
I've heard that someone from the other side (well, from the house with the cake, at least) has been trying toc ontact me but can't get past the armed guards on my blog (just trying to make sure there are no interlopers, you know)........well, I've had a go myself in disguise (being a nonny mouse) and if the-one-with-the-SBD would like to look at the comments to this blog he will see the secret password.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hanging out with the boys

It's great when there's just me and the boys here - I can be even tattier and less refined than i normally am. Take this week for example - i was able to doss about on the settee (not allowed to do that too often when the-one-who-tries-hard-to-maintain-a-few-standards-round-here is at home) - the DVD wasn't very interesting for dojs (yet another war movie - tut!) but i had a good long sleep and awoke for M to them telling me i'd been dreaming and making myself really popular by all the running and twitching that dreaming involves. Also this week, and even better for dojs, the-one-who-smears-on-the-walls-and-spreads-carpet-on-the-floor forgot to get anything for the humanjs for tea so had to get a platter of party food from mands (whatever that is) - those prawn crakers and cocktail sausages were just delicious - just my sort of food.
Taken up weight lifting as well this week - that damned puppy of mine wasn't in the right position when TOWFM finally responded to the thought vibes i'd been sending out and came home - so i grabbed the nearest thing to do my whiny-daft-faced greeting only to find it was a bit heavy though it didn't look much bigger than my puppy (that's because it was TOWFM's boot bag with his rugby boots in - blogassistant#2). Still, i Percy Vered (whoever he is) and didn't let the side down......
Halfterm next week, they tell me so I'll be able to bother TOWFM all day......

Saturday, February 09, 2008

We know a nice kipping place on the A46.....

Been trying something new this week to please my public; as they seem so pleased to see when when i come back to the holiday home i thought i'd give them an extra dose and chose a couple of spots each night to get them downstairs for my special puppy-in-the-mouth-daft-expression-on-my-face greeting. Managed it many times with the-one-who-didn't-look-too-pleased-on-my last-few-attempts then with the-one-who-takes-me-for-sandwich-locating-walks. Didn't manage to get TOWFM downstairs (but then i hear you need a crowbar to do that when he's in his pit). Mum thinks it was because i was a bit lonely but actually it's because i think they might be missing me. Might try it on Mum and the Boss and see what happens.....
Also tried a new technique of making sure i'm in their thoughts when the table is cleared after tea. TOWFM and TOWTMFSLW had left the table and closed the door behind them so i positioned myself sossed against the door so the-one-who-clears-the-table couldn't get out without dealing with me first. Not really sure why he called the others back or why they were laughing so much....just goes to show i'm a force to be reckoned with.....
These volvos are quite cosy you know - i've even sold the idea to TOWMFSLW and TOWFM who were found by Mum and the Boss catching up on a bit of shuteye at the dojdrop last night. So is that droppedoff at the dojdrop.........

Monday, February 04, 2008

Sandwiches and risotto

Couldn't belive my luck today! There we were trotting across the field (you know I have to take Them out each day so that they can get a bit of exercise by thowing sticks for me) and there was a sandwich......just lying there saying 'eat me' (actually that's what all food says to those of us dojradors intelligent enough to translate it). Good job i'm quick off the mark as the-one-who-isn't-smearing-at-the-moment nearly go to it before me, and he'd just had his lunch, greedy thing. Must go past that spot again to see if there are anymore...i wonder of they grow in that field.
Actually it was a bit odd as they had chicken and brown rice for tea (and i had a bit of skid during the preparation mmmmmmmm)....have we got the meals mixed up round here if i'm having sandwiches and they're having doj food? TOWFM had risotto and he very kindly left some for me so that made an ideal snack between T and M.
There's been a lot of those black things flying low over the garden today. At first i thought they were big cats trying to evade me but then i realised even cats can't make their tails go round that fast, even when i'm chasing them. Wonder if that's where the sandwich came from as they have things hanging off beneath them.....maybe it's more sandwiches.
Righty - oh, it's M time now, then i get extinguished then i play with my squeaky ball, then my new plashtic bottle, then i settle down on TOWFM's chair for the evening.
Love this new carpet...pity the radiator has gone, but on the whole i'd rather have something soft to lie on.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Una vita alquanto tediosa.......

........so I've not much to report during the peak of the hibernation season. The only really exciting news is that the carpet on the stairs and landing has reappeared and is REALLY comfortable to lie on (though i'm covered in white fluff which i'm trying hard to convince everyone isn't dandruff). min you i need to get may coming down stairs technique polished as i had a bit of a skid on my first trip down and nearly forgot to miss the penultimate step.
Actually i have been using my time productively to see if i can use thought transferrance to get TOWFM home earlier. My technique is this: at about an hour before he's due i station myself in the hall on full alert and then issue the odd bark to speed things along - and if the day is nice i pester until they let me out onto the front path because there's less interference there. Not sure if it works but i'm going to keep trying as i can use the same method to dogtate my blog when i'm mobile (or is it immobile?).
I've also been wondering if i'm really me or if i'm an alien who's made itself look like me and takes its cue for how to behave from every one else's memories of me.....no wonder i keep touting for food! (You've been watching too many science fiction DVD's Tara - i can see we'll have to censor your viewing - blogassistant #2).
And apparently my font has changed and my spellchecker isn't working so if i'm looking a bit rough you know why........