
Thursday, October 14, 2010


They keep telling me that he's not here but i'm not sure who they are talking about. I know when i go upstairs in the morning and turn right there's always someone in there as i can hear the chink of cutlery on china (thought you liked to pretend you were deaf tara - blogbreakfastinbed #2) and so have to bark to make sure that i get let in to scavenge anything that might be going. I'm playing it quite cannily you know - just making it seem i'm not sure about coming in (you know, that crunkly-eared, pursed-lips, waggy-bottom look with sound effects) then head swiftly for the side of the bed where TOWTBigRV is scoffing her brekker. It paid off today as a speciakflake escaped and i pounced on it straight away.
Been keeping a low profile today too as some of Pte Sector's mates have been shelling me - not managed to hit me yet but they make lots of noise and it's a bit frikling.
I'm sure there used to be someone else here other than the GM (who's now on T, M and W duty) but unless he reappears soon i will have forgotten him altogether. Who will i have forgotten altogether? No idea, i've forgotten!


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