
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spargel mit Zitronensoß, Salzkartoffel und Lachs

Finally! I've been in my dotage dropping VERY big hints that it's past nine o'clock and i've not been milked....oh. wait a minute.....that's better. Been milked now, had a quick patrol and smiff on the path, accompanied by a little light burping and now it's back in to watch TOWFM have his evening smackerel.

It's yu-ro-pin food week at the holiday home and i'm certainly getting my five-a-day (yes Tara, and depositing it on the lawn - blogvoovoozayla #1) as we had yummy germanfood yesterday though i've no idea what TOWTRV meant when she said the sauce tasted like the munichratskeller as that sounds pretty....well, rodent to me. And then homade pizza for tea tonight with some very crunchy crusts for me. I've tried to indicate that i don't care if the food runs out whilst i'm here for the duration (the GM is worried that it might - so is he eating it too?) as i've seen the menu for the rest of the week and that will do me just fine.

I've converted TOWTRV to the joys of going on patrol round the garden in the early evening as we no go down to the and have a good inspec of the greenhouse (tomatoes are coming on nicely and i've checked i can reach enough of them when they turn red) then go with the GM for an inspec of the grass next to the brook then i have a roll on the anty bit of the lawn but they don't then we come back in and have a big squeaky pounce on the animiles....then i'm in position (in the way more like - blogtripper#2) in the kitchen ready to help with the cooking.


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