
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chargrilled chicken and asparagus risotto

There are some benefits to TOWTRV working at home whilst TOWFM and the GM went off in thegreyvolvo to coventry.......for lunch i had two licky jobs to do, the risotto then a nice toffee yoghurt MMMMMMMMMM! Got a bit of a surprise from the dojwalk though....we went the other way after going across the weir! So i stood and stared just to make it known that i don't usually go that way and then made TOWTRV come back and get me, before starting off just before she got there. I think it was revenge for the big p***h i did on the path on the wrong side of the stile and which then needed dribbling into the field - marvellous footballing skills really, with the stickiest substance known to man on the end of your welly.
TOWFM's a sadistic, apparently....oh, it's statistic and he's well and truly in the 'nager house! Something about the yellow doj-transporter and a milk tanker and how he prided himself on not being a boy-racer and where's he going to find athousandpounds for the repair (don't look at me, you know i'm above such sordid things as money). He wasn't injured - at least not until TOWTRV got hold of him. So it's GM doj-drop for me still in future. Now, where's my M.............


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