
Sunday, December 05, 2010

Zer iss no escape!

I'll have to brush up on my escape techniques - i thought it was every labradoj's duty to escape but the-one-who-stops-me-swimming-in-icy-water got the better of me today. I did a few feints but waited until the bridge to make a dash for the brook - only to realise that the reason TOWSMSIIW was walking very close with her hands outstretched was to grab me before i put on my burst of speed. Drat - have to think of another ruse next time. Anyway, at least i was allowed to walk the whole way home through the village without a lead on (that's because you can't move quick enough to run off tara - blogcolditzguard #1). And i got two bikkers when i got in and then lamb, roast potatoes, cabbage and gravy for my lunch.
I've just overheard TOWSMIIW tell the GM that TOWFM (who he?) had a labrador to do tonight......oh, i see, it's a lab report. Just as well really as i was wondering how i was going to get up to coventry in time.


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