
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Una vita alquanto tediosa.......

........so I've not much to report during the peak of the hibernation season. The only really exciting news is that the carpet on the stairs and landing has reappeared and is REALLY comfortable to lie on (though i'm covered in white fluff which i'm trying hard to convince everyone isn't dandruff). min you i need to get may coming down stairs technique polished as i had a bit of a skid on my first trip down and nearly forgot to miss the penultimate step.
Actually i have been using my time productively to see if i can use thought transferrance to get TOWFM home earlier. My technique is this: at about an hour before he's due i station myself in the hall on full alert and then issue the odd bark to speed things along - and if the day is nice i pester until they let me out onto the front path because there's less interference there. Not sure if it works but i'm going to keep trying as i can use the same method to dogtate my blog when i'm mobile (or is it immobile?).
I've also been wondering if i'm really me or if i'm an alien who's made itself look like me and takes its cue for how to behave from every one else's memories of me.....no wonder i keep touting for food! (You've been watching too many science fiction DVD's Tara - i can see we'll have to censor your viewing - blogassistant #2).
And apparently my font has changed and my spellchecker isn't working so if i'm looking a bit rough you know why........


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