
Thursday, November 15, 2007

This is my 61st post...

...........not that i'm interested in 61 posts at the moment - the two next to the stile into the field are far enough in this frosty, cold and foggy weather. Really, you just can't get the staff these days....the-one-who-has-just-given-me-some-cheese-scraps really expected me to want to go for a walk and leave my favourite spot next to the radiator (well, favourite unless the fire is on). I soon put him right though - got slower and slower across the field, then just stopped and gave him my penetrating stare (aka the evil eye) until he turned round and came back. Not been further than the end of the garage since.
Had a bit of trouble with a carrot today the-one-who-i-barely-remember-as-i-haven't-seen-her-for-weeks seemed to have a spare carrot when she unpacked the shopping (now that's a job i'd like, especially the bag with Walter Rose Butcher, whoever she might be, written on it) so i got it (won't tell you how) and munched it across, oh about two meters of the lounge floor, leaving a lovely orange polka-dot pattern behind me until it went into hiding under the chair. Well, i tried my extra strong smiffs then tried scrawping but still couldn't get it so i had to do my pathetic wimperywhine until TOWIBRAIHSHFA was alerted and got it out for me.....so i then rewarded her with orange polka-dots all over her slipper.
Rumour has it i'm going to badminton club tomorrow evening and TOWFM is going to the dojdrop to be handed over to Mum and the Boss (now that's a really good idea - chance would be a fine thing! blogassistant #2)......or is that the other way round


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