
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Abnormal service resumed

You've heard about me giving THEM the evil eye....well this is it (or rather them)!

Been home for Christmas...lots of turkey to eat and a new squeaky ball in my stocking (well, the turkey wasn't in my stocking)....carpets! Then just when i was getting settled in and observing Mum and the Boss having a bad day (why did they need to light the camping stove in the scullery when they've just had a new kitchen, anybody know? And why was the Boss filing bits off the back light of the passat?) and keeping a low profile THEY turned up to observe me in my natural habitat (under the table at mealtimes and under the stairs at night time - well at least until i can sneak upstairs to sit on the nice warm carpet). After lunch (no turkey this time, no matter how dignified i was - but i did get some casserole for tea!) i took them for a long walk and we came home for chocolatelog (well, I didn't get any, as APPARENTLY chocolate's not good for dojs - those i pinched off the tree didn't do me any harm).
So here i am back at the holiday home, toasting my bottom in front of the fire, going for long walks across very plashy fields and generally touting for food all the time. I couldn't believe my luck today - the cat came out of the house next door just as i was walking past! I gave it a good steggy-woof and then have been on cat patrol every since to make sure there are none up the willow tree.
They tell me we are off to the housewithcake...can't wait and i wonder if my friend the pendle will be there


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