
Sunday, January 06, 2008

You can keep your skiing, i've been......

......having fun at the house with the cake and the SBD. Actually the SBD is getting quite friendly and i thought i say it trying to play with my tail before pouncing on it and galloping off down the hall........i say 'thought' i saw it because if i had actually seen it, i wouldn't have let it happen of course. Got lots of fuss, mince-pies and went out for a walk with the pendle (but got the hump when she got all the attention - blogassistant #1) then treated them to my fixed-stare-ventriloquist-act because they were eating and i wasn't.
........getting worried when the only remaining bit of carpet on the landing was taken up! There's just some crackly underlay now but it's better than nothing i suppose......though i think they've just turned the big heater off!
.......colonising a VERY comfy kipping place aka TOWFM's chair. Did it stealthily at first and dropped BIG hints that i wanted to get on then the next day just hopped on and merged in with the other wild life on there.
........killing towels, plashtic bottles and doing singalongasqeakyball at the most inconvenient moments - well, if they will but that thing they wheel out and stare at (do they have to give it the evil eye for sooooo long?) just in my place on the rug in front of the fire what do they expect?
........dropping big hints when it's near my time for a doubleyou. Did a variation on the catch-their-eye-stretch-and-expel-air ....went into the scullery and picked up my collar and brought it back through to where they were. Think they got the message so i must try that again.
.......getting confused as the little things that keep dropping off the table taste more like cardboard than food so i'm ignoring them now (no wonder we can't find all the pieces in the jigsaw, Tara!)
......plotting what sort of OTT welcome i'm going to give Mum and the Boss when I see them at the end of the week.


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