
Friday, November 30, 2007

Cat patrol and cowpoo

Well this has been a very exciting week - there have been HUNDREDS of cats in the garden and i've sent them all off across the cows' field. Actually, there was one on monday sitting as bold as anything in the middle of the lawn so i went out of the conservatory door as fast as i could and chased it over the fence into the field - that was quite exciting as usually they go up the willow tree but i could see this one swerving to avoid the cowpoo. Anyway i stood and barked for , oh about half an hour to make sure it didn't comeback and then just in case it came back i made sure that every time i went out it went as fast as possible and barked loudly just in case. Only slight problem in that plan was that i managed to trample my puppy into the mud so i've had to play with the peasant for the rest of the week.
And they really didn't handle the doj drop very well this evening - honestly, they expected me to get out of the volvo under my own steam in the pouring rain AND into a big puddle. Luckily Mum took pity on me as TOWFM is so weakandfeeble he can't even lift a tube of hair gel. I wonder why they were all getting a bit agitated when i didn't get a move on......

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tara 10, Lebkuchen left in the packet 0

Tricky stuff this lebkuchen - really tasty but really high on the emissions! Did my best to persuade TOWFM that it was him who made such bad smells in his room that we needed to vacate to where there was more oxygen but i don't think he was convinced. Anyway, the game was up when they found me this evening helping myself to the rest of the lebkuchen (well - if they will stash it on the floor in the office then go out, what do they expect?) and emitting in a confined space. Doing my best now to look cute and lovable but i think i've blotted my copybook a bit this week so i think the weekend at home will help them forget.
I froadup a couple of time this week - again tried to convince the-one-who-always-has-to-clear-up that it was TOWFM who had left the mess on the carpet outside the bathroom door but as TOWFM was out at the time i didn't manage it. Actually, there's a really nice square-shaped hole in the carpet now as i think TOWAHTCUAM just removed the offending piece with a pair of scissors - i hope he's not going to do that too much as it's the only carpet left in the house and how am i going to get comfy next to the BIG radiator? Then later on the same day i found some lovely stuff to roll in - but got hosed off before being sent in my bed (it was a 'no-biscuit' meeting, much like the Boss has been telling me about - had he been rolling in something pungent too?!). Tried to play the 'i'm an old doj' routine and hopped on the couch instead but didn't get away with that either.
Still, i've been super appealing since then and i think i've managed to convince the-one-who's-been-threatening-to-valet-my-ear that it's all a pack of lies..........oh, there's my squeaky ball, think i'll spend a few minutes driving them daft with some super squeakies........don't know what that clucking is on the vid....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This is my 61st post...

...........not that i'm interested in 61 posts at the moment - the two next to the stile into the field are far enough in this frosty, cold and foggy weather. Really, you just can't get the staff these days....the-one-who-has-just-given-me-some-cheese-scraps really expected me to want to go for a walk and leave my favourite spot next to the radiator (well, favourite unless the fire is on). I soon put him right though - got slower and slower across the field, then just stopped and gave him my penetrating stare (aka the evil eye) until he turned round and came back. Not been further than the end of the garage since.
Had a bit of trouble with a carrot today the-one-who-i-barely-remember-as-i-haven't-seen-her-for-weeks seemed to have a spare carrot when she unpacked the shopping (now that's a job i'd like, especially the bag with Walter Rose Butcher, whoever she might be, written on it) so i got it (won't tell you how) and munched it across, oh about two meters of the lounge floor, leaving a lovely orange polka-dot pattern behind me until it went into hiding under the chair. Well, i tried my extra strong smiffs then tried scrawping but still couldn't get it so i had to do my pathetic wimperywhine until TOWIBRAIHSHFA was alerted and got it out for me.....so i then rewarded her with orange polka-dots all over her slipper.
Rumour has it i'm going to badminton club tomorrow evening and TOWFM is going to the dojdrop to be handed over to Mum and the Boss (now that's a really good idea - chance would be a fine thing! blogassistant #2)......or is that the other way round

Friday, November 09, 2007

The Black Blogger returns

Life's back to normal this week, although i had to get up VERY early to be taken to the dojdrop site...how comes they complain when I get up too early sometimes then drag me up when I'm still dozing at others? Anyway, i heard rumours that Mum had told the-one-who-hasn't-had-the-pleasure-of-seeing-me-for four-weeks that I was much perkier now that the weather was cooler so i set out this week to prove them wrong and stuck tenaciously to the inside of the house (more particularly the BIG radiator at the top of the stairs), only going out for a post-holiday inspec.
I see that whippersnapper has been on my blog again - cheek of it! And thependle too so i had to have a good smiff in all the corners of the garden....till if got too cold and i had to come back in.
Had a BIG surprise yesterday when the Boss came to collect me from the holiday home...i had a really good bark till he got close enough for me to see it was him, then picked up The Greeting Shoe only to find it was one of TOWFM's clodhoppers and didn't fit very well in my dainty mouth. Situation outside has obviously improved as we didn't need combat gear to get home this time.........

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Is it me?

Oh no!!!! I've gone completely white, put on a bit of weight, got even shorter legs, can't remember how to get downstairs and that's not either the Boss or TOWFM encouraging me!!!!!!Will they recognise me at the holiday home after a couple of weeks away at my holiday home's holiday home?

Wait a minute.......actually that's not me, it's the pendle with the unclerichard she bring with her offering a grape (didn't offer me one, but then I wasn't actually there at the time). Well i don't mind lending MY holiday home to the pendle as she's not bad really............ as long as she doesn't play with my toys. I'm having a couple of weeks away from the holiday home but will be back next week and i hope nothing's gone amiss whilst i've been away......