
Monday, October 30, 2006

Tara 1, Armani 0

I've come with a very fetching set of towels this week - one pink and girlie and one blue. Here's me wearing one when i've come in from my walk (actually, TOWFM was trying to dry me but i do like to keep him on his toes).

Something has been at my holiday home whilst I've been away - don't know what it is but it's left its calling card strategically placed aorund the garden, just at nose height. It might be one of those 'dog-things' i've be been reading about in my new book as apparently they do that. And, my stick had been moved. I'll need to have a word with the ones-who-do-my-housekeeping and tell them that under no circumatsnaces are they allowed to invite guests whilst i'm away - you just can't get the staff these days. (Comment from Blogassistant #1 - that was Peat, a chocolate labrador who is the same height as you but twice as wide and didn't mind staying outside when he ponged too much after his walk - unlike some who i could mention!)
Actually, TOWFM has been yodelling at me, and quite funny he is too - he tried to tell me to get on my bed in his sternest voice but spoilt it all by saying the last bit in a sort of a yodel. Blogassistant #2 tells me it's his age and i'm not to laugh or use it as an excuse not to obey him (do i ever need an excuse not to obey!?).
I see the DVD player is set up so I'll go and stake my claim to a share of the couch and make damn sure that this time i've got more then a bottom's width and can actually see the screen - last time they left me so little space i ended up facing the wall behind the couch with one leg wrapped round the-one-who-calls-me-funny-names and my head resting round the back of her neck. Mind you, the non-catalysed emissions soon created a bit of space....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tara 1, Lifeguard 0

I'm taking time off from packing to go home to finish my blog for this week. Well actually, i'm not doing the packing - i just stand in the hall and supervise, giving them encouragement with a well-timed tail wag when they need it. TOWFM has had his nose stuck in a book for most of the afternoon - something called homework (what's work?) so I've assumed the moral support position (fast asleep with my back glued to the radiator) in case he needs me.
Been for a volvridecumwalk this morning - up onto the common then back past the lovely-smelling pig farm (why do they walk faster past it - it ought to be savoured and I do my best to slow them down a bit and teach them one of the pleasures of life) - i even managed to make a dash for the mill pond and had my first swim for weeks! Well, i've got to make myself look as tatty as i usually do after a week here.
I wonder if my ultra-swanky hazard lights are going home with me? I really do feel i'm the height of dogchic, you know, when i got out in the dark. I've got an absolutely fabulous pair of flashing red devil-horns which attached to my collar and now this week i've added a a flashing chin light too! Do you think it will catch on?
Righty-ho - volvo tailgate is open so i'm off back to Mum and the boss.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tara 1, Desmond Morris top marks

This is me sneaking a look at a really interesting book i've found ....intersting things these dogs,must find out a bit more about them (Comment from blogassistant #2 - you have to read the title!).

I thought they'd brought me to a different holiday home today! No big hedge when i got out of the volvo and i was completely disoriented for the rest of the day...i just can't find my usual spot for a wee as i ALWAYS line up with the hedge, but now there's no hedge and i keep getting distracted by things i can see going on up the road.
Anyway, here i am and TOWFM appears to have merged with his computer though i did drag him out for a couple of good walks and found a whole new supply of sticks to bring back home. Nice and muddy too.
And though i brought my favourite shark, i managed to persuade TOWFM to give me a plastic waterbottle to chew...but no titbits as yet, so i live in hope.....

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tara 0, Titbits 0 (none whatsoever, lucky to get bikkers)

This is me blogging! Think i'll get a webcam next........

I'm really confused now (and hungry) as they've just told me i'm going home tomorrow and i've not yet had a titbit! I've been sticking close to them all week, even shadowing the-one-who-still-spends-most-of his-time-in-the bathroom out to the garage just in case he had some scraps with him - he didn't and made an awful lots of noise about 'under my feet' and 'always in the way', but still didn't give me anything else to eat.
I tried a new tack this morning, after yesterday when I think i got a bit too over excited outside TOWFM's door - I didn't try to go upstairs at all until the-one-who-gets-up-earliest came down. Actually i think i'll try that technique again as he gave me a bikker and setlled me back down on my bed. So that's the way to get titbits! Make a feint for the stairs! Mind you, once they had gone out, i rushed upstairs, stright into TOWFM's room and finallt got him up. What he does when I'm not here, i don't know (comment from blogassistant #2 - he stays in bed till goodnes knows what time!).

Well, see you next week.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Tara 1, Late Risers 0

I'd forgotten that they get up early here (at the holiday home) and was quite taken by surprise by the-one-who-seems-to-live-in-the-bathroom coming downstairs at dark o'clock. But never mind I got into the spitit of things, had a quick couple of tunes on my shark then headed upstairs to get up the-one-who-has-been-feeding-me-wholefood-chicken-and-brown-rice. I had a bit of an economy bark at the closed bathroom door (i know where he goes to hide from me) then got a bit confused because the-one-who-bought-me-a-box-of-bikkers came out. Still, I picked up my shark and gave it a couple of warning squeeks outside his bedroom door, played a good tune with my tail on the door, the radiator and the other door then barged my way in (he thinks that by closing the door i can't get in - just shows how daft humanjs can be and how determined labradogs can be). I suceeded and got him up - just as i always do!
I was a bit worried that they were trying to starve me here - not something i can usually accse them of - as there were no bikkers when i went to bed last night, just a few selecetions of browm rice and chicken - didn't look like either, but the one-who-took-me-for-a-very-long-walk-this-morning has been complaining about the smell (no, not me!) all day. Actually it looked like swan food so i'll have to keep my beady eye on them to make sure i'm not sharing it.
I can't really complain, as they've put my radiator on (the one behind my bed) so it is raaaaaather cosy. Though i don't like the white thing which they put in with my tea (and i rejected), then tried to get me to catch (i rejected that too, slimy by now) then put in with another veeeeeery small handful of tea (rejected that too), then tried to put down my throat and make me swallow (saying 'good girl' in an encouraguing fashion has no effect, you know) - rejected that one too, just when they were congratulating themselves on being successful. Not sure what happened to it next but i did have a yummy piece of bread soon afterwards.
Think it's time for a flake out on the rug now - i need to conserve my energy until milk time....