
Monday, October 30, 2006

Tara 1, Armani 0

I've come with a very fetching set of towels this week - one pink and girlie and one blue. Here's me wearing one when i've come in from my walk (actually, TOWFM was trying to dry me but i do like to keep him on his toes).

Something has been at my holiday home whilst I've been away - don't know what it is but it's left its calling card strategically placed aorund the garden, just at nose height. It might be one of those 'dog-things' i've be been reading about in my new book as apparently they do that. And, my stick had been moved. I'll need to have a word with the ones-who-do-my-housekeeping and tell them that under no circumatsnaces are they allowed to invite guests whilst i'm away - you just can't get the staff these days. (Comment from Blogassistant #1 - that was Peat, a chocolate labrador who is the same height as you but twice as wide and didn't mind staying outside when he ponged too much after his walk - unlike some who i could mention!)
Actually, TOWFM has been yodelling at me, and quite funny he is too - he tried to tell me to get on my bed in his sternest voice but spoilt it all by saying the last bit in a sort of a yodel. Blogassistant #2 tells me it's his age and i'm not to laugh or use it as an excuse not to obey him (do i ever need an excuse not to obey!?).
I see the DVD player is set up so I'll go and stake my claim to a share of the couch and make damn sure that this time i've got more then a bottom's width and can actually see the screen - last time they left me so little space i ended up facing the wall behind the couch with one leg wrapped round the-one-who-calls-me-funny-names and my head resting round the back of her neck. Mind you, the non-catalysed emissions soon created a bit of space....


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