
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tara 1, Stickpinchers 1 (but sent off)

Well that interloper has been at it again - making comments on my blog! That muppety-thing has been casting aspertions about me to that SBD i met at the weekend - no wonder he was a bit cheeky. Good job i made that muppety thing stay in the greenhouse all day, that will teach it!
Not much time or energy to blog tonight as TOWFM has taken me for three walks today - i got so excited that i forgot to do the final fieldtest on my new stick and now appear to have more to choose from which have appeared on the lawn...maybe i need to do a group test! I found a lovely one which the-one-who-slashes-and-burns cut down yesterday but as it is about five feet long i did have a bit of difficulty getting it past the bin and onto the patio. Had a bit of a wrestle with the man-at-the-top-of-the-road as well when he tried to help himself to MY stick as that one was my favourite!
Had my milk, my burp, a nibble of my leg and a good stretch so i think it's tme for my beauty sleep as i need to get TOWFM up earlier tomorrow ready for school - is he deserting me again......


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