
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Tara 1, Doppelganger 1

More people here yesterday but they didn't make much of a fuss of me so in the end i just ignored them (and emitted the odd smell or two in a vain attempt to make myself more attractive).
Today's been great - just my sort of day! Trip in the volvo, big walk, TWO bikkers when i got back, sitting in the sun in the garden all afternoon, tea, then weisswurst, spatzle and green beans for afters (well, i only got the weisswurst skins and about three individual spatzle but who's counting). I was so hungry after my walk that i forgot i usually get a second scoop of food and started eating after the first one - TOWFM thought that was very funny so i might do it again sometime.
When we got out of the car to start the walk i saw two nice friendly labradogs coming towards me - ony when they got closer did I see that the second one was me! Well, not quite me but i did think it might be my long lost sister; the-one-who-gives-me-carrots even compared the number of grey hairs on us and found out that the other me was a year older (so can't be from the same litter, though it took TOWFM a couple of minutes to work that one out). Ha, Ha! so off for a walk in the woods and across the meadow with spring in my step. Found a lovely long stick - well it was much shorter by the time we got back to the car as it was rather tasty. Must remember next time not to run, chew and pant at the same time - they kept saying something about 'retching' but i don't know what that means.
I've been pacing myself this afternoon - thought i'd try a bit of posing on the lawn in the sun whilst the one-who-gives-me-scraps-after-tea was bulding himself a dug out ready for goodness knows what. Bet there will be some nice catp** in there tomorrow.


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