
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tara 1, Potato 0

Not been able to blog this last week or so as I've been needed at home - Mum & the Boss didn't go gallivanting after all so I needed to be there to look after them. Oh the responsbility of having dependents!
Back here yesterday and came straight in, grabbed a slipper and upstairs to find the-one-who-has-banned-me-from-his-bedroom but he wasn't there so I had to make do with the-one-who's-back-with-his-head-under-the-bath (different bathroom this time, though) until we went on a lovely volvo-trip to collect TOWHBMFHB. I aim to be a bit stand-offish when we pick other humanjs up - it's just not the done thing to get all excitied and crinckley-eared in public.
Had a lovely walk-cum-snack - couldn't find my stick so just grabbed a potato off the compost heap and had to make do with that for the walk - then ate it when i got back (these things are just no good the day after). Actually, I think i might like to be a compost heap when i get reincarnated - all that lovely grass and vegetables (i could cut out the middleman/cow too).
They keep telling me i'm set in my ways (anyone would think i'm old) - can i help it if a greater force than me impells me into the bedroom of the one-who-gets-up-VERY-early and the-one who-chauffeurs-me, makes me go round the far side of the bed, leap theatrically on a slipper then bring it back (with sound effects) round for the-one-who-as-we-speak-is-putting-scraps-in-my-bowl (maybe he's worth paying some attention to afterall)?
They had the fire on here last night so i'm taking up pole position now just in case......


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