
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tara 0, Titbits 0 (none whatsoever, lucky to get bikkers)

This is me blogging! Think i'll get a webcam next........

I'm really confused now (and hungry) as they've just told me i'm going home tomorrow and i've not yet had a titbit! I've been sticking close to them all week, even shadowing the-one-who-still-spends-most-of his-time-in-the bathroom out to the garage just in case he had some scraps with him - he didn't and made an awful lots of noise about 'under my feet' and 'always in the way', but still didn't give me anything else to eat.
I tried a new tack this morning, after yesterday when I think i got a bit too over excited outside TOWFM's door - I didn't try to go upstairs at all until the-one-who-gets-up-earliest came down. Actually i think i'll try that technique again as he gave me a bikker and setlled me back down on my bed. So that's the way to get titbits! Make a feint for the stairs! Mind you, once they had gone out, i rushed upstairs, stright into TOWFM's room and finallt got him up. What he does when I'm not here, i don't know (comment from blogassistant #2 - he stays in bed till goodnes knows what time!).

Well, see you next week.


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