
Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Oh yummy, it's M time, must go and start pesterating......oh, TOWTRV has just told me that i had M and was even stinguished about ten minutes ago. I knew really, of course - just trying it on. Think i'll do a bit of tap-dancing instead, that usually gets me a bit of attention, or perhaps i'll go and carry on with my late-night barking routine down in the dark near the stream. It's been a really action-packed couple of days here you know - i must have been awake for all of two hours (don't like these dark evenings, you know) and then i was perfecting my stare-hard-enough-at-the-food-and-it-will-end-up-in-my-mouth with some yummy looking fruit TOWTRV was eating. Didn't work but i did get some chicking skid for tea, and then chased a carrot round the kitchen floor - think i could issue a DVD of that one as the latest fitness fad as it certainly wore me out as these carrots put up quite a fight you know. They tell me i'm off home tomorrow - that means the GM gets relegated to thegreyvolvo..........and did you know i'm 143 now?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Major food catastrophe

Oh no! Run out of doj biscuits! How comes TOWFM got a goody bag but i didn't get any biscuits? The GM is improvising (and very tasty these impro-biscuits are too) but has let slip that it's market day today so he can get some markies for me - yummeeee, can't wait!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Decibels 5,000,0000,00000,0000,0000, BNP 0

Che c'era per cena stasera? Abbiamo pasta con pollo e salsa di pomodori secchi. We're very refined here you know - i only get the best food. Mind you i'll have to be a bit careful at the moment what with being black and speaking a foreign language - actually i thought it was very good of all those chappies to go on the radio and stick up for me this week. I've repaid them by acting as an unpaid FOO (L) for the noisy things on the hill somewhere beyond the deer and keeping up the barkerating day and night. I bark so hard that i have to leap into the air to get the maximum volume and it's so tiring that yesterday night i had to lie on the patio (in the rain and cold - blogfactotum #1) and bark from there for a while (at least i didn't get me feet wet on the grass). TOWFM's helping too as he's barking too - he even does it in his sleep but he's just not as good (or as piercing) as me.
Oh, that's where my Tick is, think i'll give it a good chew to show it not to hide again....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two leaps in one day

Bad case of overcrowding here at the holiday home - i'm having to share my couch with TOWFM who is coughing and swinefluing all over me. Tried the double-kangaroo-kick and the dirty look but he's still there. It wouldn't be sooooo bad except that he's got jamas on which seem to be for an eight year old so there's an awful lot of hairy leg showing.
And when did i last do two leaps in one day? I was very keen to get out of thevolvo to go and sort those deer on the back field out so i forgot i'm supposed to be an invalid and leaped out before the GM could say owchooget! Then this evening i had to do an extra long leap to get on the couch as TOWFM was at the end nearest the launch-rug.
Anyway still lots to bark at down the bottom of the garden in the dark so i've been on patrol every half hour (actually i feel a bit hoarse now with all that barking) just to make sure that whatever it is knows that a fierce doj lives here. In fact it's all so exhausting i think i'll get a bit of shut-eye (if only you did actully shut your eyes, Tara, then we wouldn't have to see the horror-movie-white-and-red bits when you are asleep - blogengineer #1)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

'bout time we blojjed again.....

...especially as i've just had to bark at least ten times before they let me in and it was raining really hard out there. Never mind, got my own back by having a big drink then dripping all over the floor.
Can't make out what's going on here as TOWFM keeps getting into the wrong seat in the lupo and the GM comes back in with some very white knuckles when he's been out with him (also in the wrong seat!).
And what's happened to my quilt cover - Mum and Pte Sector's standards are slipping you know - they'll be putting milk on the breakfast table in bottles soon if i'm not vigilant. At least the green blanket has now gone so the sheeba-pedder-memorial-bed hasn't become too deelapeedated.
Nearly got harvested the other day - it was very exciting as TOWFM and i had to escape quickly along the straight rows of corn before we got munched up and fed to the cows (bet there's already some of your doj hairs in the cows' feed Tara, they get everywhere - blogcommunitysupportofficer).
Normal blogservice will be resumed, as long as i can stay awake long enough