
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

'bout time we blojjed again.....

...especially as i've just had to bark at least ten times before they let me in and it was raining really hard out there. Never mind, got my own back by having a big drink then dripping all over the floor.
Can't make out what's going on here as TOWFM keeps getting into the wrong seat in the lupo and the GM comes back in with some very white knuckles when he's been out with him (also in the wrong seat!).
And what's happened to my quilt cover - Mum and Pte Sector's standards are slipping you know - they'll be putting milk on the breakfast table in bottles soon if i'm not vigilant. At least the green blanket has now gone so the sheeba-pedder-memorial-bed hasn't become too deelapeedated.
Nearly got harvested the other day - it was very exciting as TOWFM and i had to escape quickly along the straight rows of corn before we got munched up and fed to the cows (bet there's already some of your doj hairs in the cows' feed Tara, they get everywhere - blogcommunitysupportofficer).
Normal blogservice will be resumed, as long as i can stay awake long enough


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