
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Tara 1, Tick 1

I've got a Tick! It's got six legs, a nasty looking mouth with red fangs........and it squeaks and has TICK written across it's back. Those legs flap around all over the place when i'm carrying it about but it keeps the natives amused so i can't complain. Only problem is i never know if they want me to bring my stick or my tick!
And talking of natives i've been having a constant battle with the heifers in the field next door as they keep hanging over the fence near my birdfood. In fact i had to show them what for this evening on my W and do several snarly-steggy-growly- runs at them to get them out of my personal space. And then one of them had the cheek to approach me from behind whilst i was doing a wee so i showed that what for too. After thoroughly sorting them out, i walked nonchalantly across the field to the stile (stopping for a 'circle' when out of their reach) and whilst i was having a smiff before ducking under, one ran up and licked my tail. I made sure i did a big snarly at that one when i came back across.
They tell me i'm going home at the end of the week, so i should have really sorted out those heifers by then................


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