
Monday, February 02, 2009

There's life in the old doj yet.....

It's in this sort of weather that we blackradojs come into our own - our camouflage is just perfect don't you think? Anyway, thought i'd better go and put on a bit of entertainment in the white stuff as i wasn't the most popular thing in the house this morning (that's usually TOWFM's role after a run in with the GM). These humanjs aren't very bright you know, especially the GM who gets sent down to sort me out when i need someone in the middle of the night (that's because we are all fast asleep when you get going, Tara - blogassistant#1) - it took me four attempts to get him to get me the right thing when he came downstairs when it should have been obvious i was hungry! First time he sent me out the front door and it was very cold so i went across to the neighbour's house to see if it was warmer there - it wasn't and even the reception when i came back was frosty. Then he just gave me ONE bikker and made me get back on my bed. Then he decided i needed to go out the back so i hopped on the couch on the way out and then earned myself an asbo by having a good bark down the bottom of the garden. Then finally after an hour and a half i got my breakfast, which was what i'd been after all along - why they just can't give it to me at four thirty i don't know.

I can hear the tea table being cleared so i need to be in the kitchen now.......


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