
Sunday, December 21, 2008

"deck the dojs with rolls of tinsel"

It's hard work putting the christmas decs up, you know. I had to really fight to get my own bits of tinsel and the oh so fetching golden bow. They kept trying to hang it off that tree they've put up in the air-lock chamber between the very warm lounge and the very cold outside. Took them quite a while realise that us dojes are supposed to have our own bits of tinsel so i had to find these bits out of the bag myself. Never mind, I've got it now and i'm keeping a low profile in my bed for the time being (could have fooled me, Tara , I thought you were asleep as usual - blogmitarbeiter #3). I've got the knack now about making sure i cause maximum fuss when they send me out for a wee - if it's really cold i give them just enough time to get in the scullery to switch the searchlight on then bark to come in just as the switch is being depressed. That's most of the time, except when i remember there is birdfood in the hedge at the side f the house - i'm getting quite partial to sunflower seeds (how low can you sink, Tara, stealing the birdfood - blogmitarbeiter #99). The plashy bits have all gone from the field now so we are back to the usual walk. They don't time it very well you know - this afternoon we set off just after the damnation so i had to steg all across the field and it so wore me out i had to scuff my feet and pretend i am an old dog coming back down the drive. The Cake-People are coming later in the week - which is a good thing as there will be too many to get on one couch so i should have better chance of claiming my spot. Do you know they made me get on with them last night and i had to thrutch so hard just to get enough space to rest my bot without having to sit on TOWFM bony legs. Why can't one of them move off - i think They owe that to me especially when i realise i've been walking round all day yesterday with a silver bow stuck to my back. Oh, weely-telly-thing is coming out so if i'm smartiash i can get on the couch before TOWFM and with luck they won't notice it's me and i'll get an ice-cream too.....


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