
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blog 99!

Well i think it's reasonable! But the GM disagrees!. So what's wrong with barking to go out of the front door, having a good inspec of the drive where the tree was cut down (that cat's going to get a shock when it next tries to escape up it), barking to come back in, walking through the hall and the lounge to the patio doors into the conservatory, barking again to go through then barking to go out into the back garden? The doing it all again in reverse after standing on the patio for a bit. I mean, am i expected to walk along the gravel drive in the cold when i can go the more comfy way?
I thought i'd missed this evening - i was just taking up position ready for tea (theirs not mine, though i'd heard there might be the odd chip going) when it all went dark and i thought for a minute i'd nodded off and it was night time and i'd missed M, Y and being stingwished. Then it went light again, GM was heard saying something about bloody electricians (whatever they are) and TOWFM could carry on internetting. Thought i was having a senior moment for a while there.
I no longer have to go for a walk in a straight line in the back field as they've chopped down the huge spiky stuff and i can see where i'm going....and it's nice and muddy underfoot so i can graze as i go along. Not to mention the heaps of sweetcorn just there for the scoffing. I'm convinced i'm the subject of severe fim rationing as TOWFM somehow managed to confuse me so i don't know where the fimming place is. Perhaps i can get my bearings again as i don't have to walk in straight lines anymore.
And anyway, what is a scab? They keep giving me a cheek inspec and using that word in tones which sound like a bit of a telling off along with words like, 'raw', 'scratched again' 'grey sock' and 'trumpet'.
See you next time for the punj-tenary blog!


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