
Monday, December 15, 2008

Bursting to blog

Well i don't know - i've got up here on the couch specially to blog and there's now all three of them on here too and i've got no space to blog properly, rest my head and get comfy. I can see i'll just have to do those oh-so-devastating kangaroo kicks (and the odd head-butt, blogmitarbeiter #1) to get them to move up. And anyway i'm sure the GM can get much further into the corner if he really tried.
I've come with my bed this time so something's up....oh, i see, they've just told me it's down actually and it's under as well and i'm going to have to do everything upside down....oh, that's Mum and Private Sector who are downunder so does that mean i don't have to get down? All a bit confusing if you ask me.
Started the Christmas holiday with a bang.......or rather a pop as my Lump Number 1 decided it didn't want to be a lump anymore and so escaped all down my neck. The GM certainly got a bit of a shock when he tickled me behind my ear and then TOWFM and the-one-with-the-latex-gloves took over and i got batherated, disinfected....and a bikker for being good girl. I liked the bikker bit so i'm going to see if i can burst any other lumps.
Well there's only one left on the couch now as i've evicted the GM with some extra kicks and evicted TOWFM with a well-placed i've-been-eating-rotting-stuff-off-the field extra special emission.... now it's just TOWTLG so a well-placed ear on the keyboard just so should do it........


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