
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wellies 0, muddy sock 1

This christmas thing is certainly hard work you know - i have to be on Permalert the whole time as food gets consumed at all sorts of odd times and locations and as most of it seems to involve chocolate i'm not allowed any. But father christmas got round that ban and i've been secretly eating chocolate covered snowballs (we fooled you there then, Tara, as they weren't real chocolate at all - blogmitarbeiter #1). I've also been converting the-one-they-call-granpa to the joys of making Them let me out at all sorts of odd times too. By the end of a few days TOTCG was joining me on the step of the conservatory though why he had that smokey thing in his mouth i don't know. I'd told him the idea was to stay on the patio or at most go as far as the gravel and he certainly did as he was told (never seemed to do a wee when he was out though, strange that) . Couldn't persuade him to sneak off round the side of the house for bird food though.
Been on some good walks - the-one-they-call-oma came as well on one of them and as she walks slower than me it meant i had much more time for smiffing. TOTCO has promised to bake me a cake when we go to the House with Cake later this week so i was extra nice to her and didn't get up too early. Took TOWFM and TOWTLG for a walk across the frozen field at the back today - and had a good laugh when TOWTLG got both wellies stuck in the mud under the ice (i knew it was there, i just wanted to finish the walk with supermuddy bits stuck to my feet) and managed to get one foot out minus the welly (with no help from TOWFM) so ended up with a sock in the mud.
Oh, yes and i've been degunked too. Now it's back to the reindeermosse for a brief spurt of playing before yet more kip......


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