
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Decibels 5,000,0000,00000,0000,0000, BNP 0

Che c'era per cena stasera? Abbiamo pasta con pollo e salsa di pomodori secchi. We're very refined here you know - i only get the best food. Mind you i'll have to be a bit careful at the moment what with being black and speaking a foreign language - actually i thought it was very good of all those chappies to go on the radio and stick up for me this week. I've repaid them by acting as an unpaid FOO (L) for the noisy things on the hill somewhere beyond the deer and keeping up the barkerating day and night. I bark so hard that i have to leap into the air to get the maximum volume and it's so tiring that yesterday night i had to lie on the patio (in the rain and cold - blogfactotum #1) and bark from there for a while (at least i didn't get me feet wet on the grass). TOWFM's helping too as he's barking too - he even does it in his sleep but he's just not as good (or as piercing) as me.
Oh, that's where my Tick is, think i'll give it a good chew to show it not to hide again....


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