
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two leaps in one day

Bad case of overcrowding here at the holiday home - i'm having to share my couch with TOWFM who is coughing and swinefluing all over me. Tried the double-kangaroo-kick and the dirty look but he's still there. It wouldn't be sooooo bad except that he's got jamas on which seem to be for an eight year old so there's an awful lot of hairy leg showing.
And when did i last do two leaps in one day? I was very keen to get out of thevolvo to go and sort those deer on the back field out so i forgot i'm supposed to be an invalid and leaped out before the GM could say owchooget! Then this evening i had to do an extra long leap to get on the couch as TOWFM was at the end nearest the launch-rug.
Anyway still lots to bark at down the bottom of the garden in the dark so i've been on patrol every half hour (actually i feel a bit hoarse now with all that barking) just to make sure that whatever it is knows that a fierce doj lives here. In fact it's all so exhausting i think i'll get a bit of shut-eye (if only you did actully shut your eyes, Tara, then we wouldn't have to see the horror-movie-white-and-red bits when you are asleep - blogengineer #1)


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