
Friday, February 20, 2009

One down, two to go.....

It seems i'm losing my touch you know. They went out on monday night to see a slumped dog with a million hairs....what's wrong with me? I spend most of my time slumped, and the GM is always mutter about the very small amounts of hair i leave as a token of my appreciation. Actually, i left another little token of my appreciation this week just to show them that not barking at night isn't always the best thing to do.
And do you know i don't get a minute's peace in the evening. I was on my couch last night having a really good dream and getting into some serious heavy breathing, foot-flapping and bicep-twitching, and it was so exciting that i had my tongue hanging out......... then i calmed down a bit and the next thing i know TOWFM and TOWTLG were bending over me asking me if i was still alive. Of course i was, they don't think i'd miss out on the chance of a long lie on the couch do they?
I've been googled this evening and i didn't feel a thing........and since then i've been in australian mode with my ear flipped over to celebrate the fact that i'm a lake in australia...well at least it's better than being a one-hick-town mining settlement in the middle of the nullabor like TOWFM!
I'm off now to see if i can do the hat trick of couches this evening before M..........

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Well after all that effort i put into training TOWFM for the snowy conditions he didn't go (the wimp). So i had to take all of them on a hunt across the very white fields following a fox track and then play snowball fights with them. Why They can't just stay inside by the radiator i don't know. Oh no!.....THE RADIATOR......MY RADIATOR! I've just been told that it's being SWITCHED OFF next week and then TAKEN AWAY! I'm not coming here again - or if i am i think it's my right to go on the couch much more often if they are depriving me of MY radiator. Apparently there's hugedisruption in a few weeks with something called centralheating being installed.......there had better be another radiator or else!
Oh, now they are sitting down to watch that thing but have put the doj-height table in front of my couch so i've been forced to fetch my puppy in an attempt to look cute....actually, now TOWFM has just invited me on my couch, i think i'd rather go on the other one.
Mum and Private Sector are off skiing soon.....don't to PS but i got a bit hungry and took a nibble of his new ski-boots just to check whether they were safe from mouses in the garage. Yep, they are safe, so no chance of them being nibbled now ...........only joking ...it wasn't really me....and if you thought for one minute that it was me i'll do my bark-at-4:30-in-the-morning-every-morning like i did at the holiday home all last week. They think i've stopped doing it this week.......

Monday, February 02, 2009

Getting TOWFM in training for Dartmoor next week

There's life in the old doj yet.....

It's in this sort of weather that we blackradojs come into our own - our camouflage is just perfect don't you think? Anyway, thought i'd better go and put on a bit of entertainment in the white stuff as i wasn't the most popular thing in the house this morning (that's usually TOWFM's role after a run in with the GM). These humanjs aren't very bright you know, especially the GM who gets sent down to sort me out when i need someone in the middle of the night (that's because we are all fast asleep when you get going, Tara - blogassistant#1) - it took me four attempts to get him to get me the right thing when he came downstairs when it should have been obvious i was hungry! First time he sent me out the front door and it was very cold so i went across to the neighbour's house to see if it was warmer there - it wasn't and even the reception when i came back was frosty. Then he just gave me ONE bikker and made me get back on my bed. Then he decided i needed to go out the back so i hopped on the couch on the way out and then earned myself an asbo by having a good bark down the bottom of the garden. Then finally after an hour and a half i got my breakfast, which was what i'd been after all along - why they just can't give it to me at four thirty i don't know.

I can hear the tea table being cleared so i need to be in the kitchen now.......