
Monday, January 19, 2009

It's all coming back to me now.....

Well, would you credit that! There was i having a little kip (i don't get enough sleep you know) and all cosy in my baksit having had my T and looking forward to my M when someone who i vaguely remember arrived. Took me a while to realise it was Private Sector and when i did realise that, yes, i do actually have a home to go to and that i really do belong elsewhere with other humanjs, i realised that they'd been out and about with nelson and albert and LEFT ME BEHIND! So i gave Private Sector my make-the-humanj-feel-very-unspecial-oh-it's-you-is-it greeting and eventually got out of my baksit to be loaded up and go home. And do you know, i don't have my own personal radiator at home. Any way, we are back in the routine now and i've brought some special training tips back with me to train Them at the holiday home to let me on the couch more often....actually i've been on two couches this evening so i'm off to a good start. Actually i've bagsed the small couch for myself as they let me on it on my own last week.........after i'd pesterated and interrupterated (i suppose i'll have to larn to speak proper now that that bark chappy is top doj and there are no more W) for, oh at least five minutes.
One good thing about the holiday home is that i can go out in the dark and bark for ages (at what, Tara - there's never anything there) , then work my way back up the garden stopping to bark every now and then finally getting onto the patio and reminding them that when i bark to come in i mean NOW, THIS MINUTE.
Sssshhhhhhhh! I'm now the only denizen of the small couch so, day 1 and it's mission accomplished.....(but don't stay still too long Tara or TOWFM will sell you on ebay as he's selling everthing else that isn't nailed down - blogmitarbeiter#1)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Menacing molehills

There's some very strange things going on here you know. First of all there was a large brown dog sitting in the field we go across on our W - i spotted it from the stile and gave it a good steggy, splayed leg bark and then do you know what? the next minute it had turned into a molehill! And if that's not spooky enough, i was having a bit of a rest in my bed this evening - not asleep, mind you- and then all of a sudden my T appeared in my bowl. I certainly hadn't heard TOWFM come downstairs to do it so it must be magic (either that Tara or you were so fast asleep you'd gone into deaf-mode and he managed to get past you without you noticing - blogmitarbeiter #1).
Anyway, it's been so cold here i've upgrade to Hiber-IB mode - it's very good you know, and means you only need to go out of the house once a day and spend the rest of the ime on energy conservation work in bed. I've even worked out a way of wedging myself in my bed so that my back actually touches the radiator. And i've managed to get them out of the habit of extinguishing me last thing at night - by the simple ruse of not opening my eyes, even when i get my bikker.
So all in all not much going on - well, there never is during Hiber-IB mode........

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Tara 120, TOTCG 78

Actually, i'm not 120 that's only my blogtally. sometimes i feel like i'm 120 though especially when it's white and frosty outside so oi (oh no, i've been infected by the GM's accent - have to get rid of that before mum & private sector get back) just switch on IB mode, put my earplugs in so i can't hear anything (that's what you say, Tara, we know you are just deaf especially when asleep - blogmitarbeiter #1, #2 & #99). Been playing a new game today which i am now the world champess at - it's called blueberry billiards and i played it to perfection this afternoon in the kitchen. What you do is, wait for the whole packet of blueberries to be launched out of the top of the fridge then chase them round the kitchen - there are extra points for those you have to scrawp out of corners and even more points when the scrawped ones go into the hall. Any way, I won.
They say blueberries are a super food and that's absolutely true - when i went out for my W this afternoon i was able to go round the filed, past the slurry lagoon and hallway to the post box before starting to scuff. AND i was able to do all of this with a tennis ball in my mouth. I found the tennis ball near the style and had a great game getting TOWFM to run after it for me, then.....i discovered it had a squeaky in too! No chance top TOWFM getting his hands on it then, I can tell you.
THERE WAS NO LEMON CAKE! Mind you there were plenty of tasty titbits and i did managed to get a mouthful of the SBD's food before it was taken up. And TOTCO was just about to shovel the leftovers from steak pie into my bowl when she got stopped by the GM - you should have seen the dirty look i gave him (and TOWTLG who was egging him on). Actually the House Without the Cake is a good place to be on Permalert as they always sit in the kitchen - that SBD got in the way when i was paying particular attention to some food preparation - in my defence, all i can say is that i didn't mean to invade his personal space so there was no need to fluff Himself up to twice his normal size and hiss at me. Actually, i didn't know SBDs could hiss, i thought that was something only cats do.
I got anothet tex (that's more than TOWFM's had this holiday) but I can't understand who all these people Mum & Private Sector are travelling with - they seem to have dumped that nelson chappy and picked up some one called albert ross...........