
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wellies 0, muddy sock 1

This christmas thing is certainly hard work you know - i have to be on Permalert the whole time as food gets consumed at all sorts of odd times and locations and as most of it seems to involve chocolate i'm not allowed any. But father christmas got round that ban and i've been secretly eating chocolate covered snowballs (we fooled you there then, Tara, as they weren't real chocolate at all - blogmitarbeiter #1). I've also been converting the-one-they-call-granpa to the joys of making Them let me out at all sorts of odd times too. By the end of a few days TOTCG was joining me on the step of the conservatory though why he had that smokey thing in his mouth i don't know. I'd told him the idea was to stay on the patio or at most go as far as the gravel and he certainly did as he was told (never seemed to do a wee when he was out though, strange that) . Couldn't persuade him to sneak off round the side of the house for bird food though.
Been on some good walks - the-one-they-call-oma came as well on one of them and as she walks slower than me it meant i had much more time for smiffing. TOTCO has promised to bake me a cake when we go to the House with Cake later this week so i was extra nice to her and didn't get up too early. Took TOWFM and TOWTLG for a walk across the frozen field at the back today - and had a good laugh when TOWTLG got both wellies stuck in the mud under the ice (i knew it was there, i just wanted to finish the walk with supermuddy bits stuck to my feet) and managed to get one foot out minus the welly (with no help from TOWFM) so ended up with a sock in the mud.
Oh, yes and i've been degunked too. Now it's back to the reindeermosse for a brief spurt of playing before yet more kip......

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Guess what i got for christmas? Yes, it's a squeaky reindeermoose and i nearly wore myself out getting it out of the wrapping and playing with it - so much so that i had to plod about on my walk with TOWFM and TOWTLG. Actually, i'm blaming it on the tinsel They made me wear - fortunately we didn't come across any other dojs so my dignity is intact.

I also got a tex for christmas this one was from Mum, Private Sector and someone called nelson enzed who appears to be spending christmas with them dow-nunder. No idea who this nelson chappy is but i bet he doesn't queak a reindeer moose as good as i do...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It was the night before Christmas and not a doj was stirring

Right that's me ready for father dojmass - managed to pinch TOWFM's stocking which he's grown out of (apparantly) - bloody hell his feet must be big if they don't fit in that! They've made me promise not to get up tooooooo early but i've got a plan to make sure that i get extra bikkers in the night when the Cake People (who appear to be allowed to sleep on the couch!) disturb me. Looking forward to all my presents tomorrow - i do hope i get that squeaky reindeer i wrote to lapland for........

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"deck the dojs with rolls of tinsel"

It's hard work putting the christmas decs up, you know. I had to really fight to get my own bits of tinsel and the oh so fetching golden bow. They kept trying to hang it off that tree they've put up in the air-lock chamber between the very warm lounge and the very cold outside. Took them quite a while realise that us dojes are supposed to have our own bits of tinsel so i had to find these bits out of the bag myself. Never mind, I've got it now and i'm keeping a low profile in my bed for the time being (could have fooled me, Tara , I thought you were asleep as usual - blogmitarbeiter #3). I've got the knack now about making sure i cause maximum fuss when they send me out for a wee - if it's really cold i give them just enough time to get in the scullery to switch the searchlight on then bark to come in just as the switch is being depressed. That's most of the time, except when i remember there is birdfood in the hedge at the side f the house - i'm getting quite partial to sunflower seeds (how low can you sink, Tara, stealing the birdfood - blogmitarbeiter #99). The plashy bits have all gone from the field now so we are back to the usual walk. They don't time it very well you know - this afternoon we set off just after the damnation so i had to steg all across the field and it so wore me out i had to scuff my feet and pretend i am an old dog coming back down the drive. The Cake-People are coming later in the week - which is a good thing as there will be too many to get on one couch so i should have better chance of claiming my spot. Do you know they made me get on with them last night and i had to thrutch so hard just to get enough space to rest my bot without having to sit on TOWFM bony legs. Why can't one of them move off - i think They owe that to me especially when i realise i've been walking round all day yesterday with a silver bow stuck to my back. Oh, weely-telly-thing is coming out so if i'm smartiash i can get on the couch before TOWFM and with luck they won't notice it's me and i'll get an ice-cream too.....

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bursting to blog

Well i don't know - i've got up here on the couch specially to blog and there's now all three of them on here too and i've got no space to blog properly, rest my head and get comfy. I can see i'll just have to do those oh-so-devastating kangaroo kicks (and the odd head-butt, blogmitarbeiter #1) to get them to move up. And anyway i'm sure the GM can get much further into the corner if he really tried.
I've come with my bed this time so something's up....oh, i see, they've just told me it's down actually and it's under as well and i'm going to have to do everything upside down....oh, that's Mum and Private Sector who are downunder so does that mean i don't have to get down? All a bit confusing if you ask me.
Started the Christmas holiday with a bang.......or rather a pop as my Lump Number 1 decided it didn't want to be a lump anymore and so escaped all down my neck. The GM certainly got a bit of a shock when he tickled me behind my ear and then TOWFM and the-one-with-the-latex-gloves took over and i got batherated, disinfected....and a bikker for being good girl. I liked the bikker bit so i'm going to see if i can burst any other lumps.
Well there's only one left on the couch now as i've evicted the GM with some extra kicks and evicted TOWFM with a well-placed i've-been-eating-rotting-stuff-off-the field extra special emission.... now it's just TOWTLG so a well-placed ear on the keyboard just so should do it........