
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Due to doj-nical deaficulties, we are unable to fetch the ummm scheduled video at this time because the clocks have gone black and it's time to start pesterating for M.

Welcome to the 100th yogblog - and here's me eating my celebratory yog along with the usual clucking from the blogmitarbeiters. We had porridge for breakfast (what is porridge anyway - tasted a bit like ...oh, actually what do i care what it tasted like) but i wasn't allowed syrup on mine (now that would have been funny to watch - blogmitarbeiter #1) but i'm ever hopeful for tomorrow. And on this blogtastic day I lost TOWFM this morning! I was having my celebratory lie in (welded to the radiator as usual - blogmitarbeiter #2) then hearing a movement upstairs i rushed up, pineapple in my mouth and launched myself into our bedroom....to find he wasn't there! So to check he wasn't hiding i went and inspecced the bed (and increased the volume) but no, not there. So i then had to go into all the other rooms (increasing the volume all the time) until it was pointed out he was in the room where he spends about half of each day. Well, i waited for such a long time that the call for breakfast went out and just as i was coming downstairs he emerged and left me in a quandary.....but the sounds of crockery on the table won and i carried on down and barked until he followed.

Been quite an exciting day all in all (no it hasn't Tara, you just had to pack it all in for the short time you were actually awake and away from your radiator - blogmitarbeiter #2). Went off for a walk this afternoon with my little stick sticking out of the corner of my mouth (what is a fag anyway?) but we'd not got as far as the gate to the fimming place when all of a sudden i heard Private Sector shouting across the field! (stupid boy!) So i did my crunkly-eared-wiggly-bottom walk all the way back across and forgot my walk. I even got my tea early (and a bit of biscuit crumb he dropped on the floor).

Anyway, where's my telegram from the Queen.........

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blog 99!

Well i think it's reasonable! But the GM disagrees!. So what's wrong with barking to go out of the front door, having a good inspec of the drive where the tree was cut down (that cat's going to get a shock when it next tries to escape up it), barking to come back in, walking through the hall and the lounge to the patio doors into the conservatory, barking again to go through then barking to go out into the back garden? The doing it all again in reverse after standing on the patio for a bit. I mean, am i expected to walk along the gravel drive in the cold when i can go the more comfy way?
I thought i'd missed this evening - i was just taking up position ready for tea (theirs not mine, though i'd heard there might be the odd chip going) when it all went dark and i thought for a minute i'd nodded off and it was night time and i'd missed M, Y and being stingwished. Then it went light again, GM was heard saying something about bloody electricians (whatever they are) and TOWFM could carry on internetting. Thought i was having a senior moment for a while there.
I no longer have to go for a walk in a straight line in the back field as they've chopped down the huge spiky stuff and i can see where i'm going....and it's nice and muddy underfoot so i can graze as i go along. Not to mention the heaps of sweetcorn just there for the scoffing. I'm convinced i'm the subject of severe fim rationing as TOWFM somehow managed to confuse me so i don't know where the fimming place is. Perhaps i can get my bearings again as i don't have to walk in straight lines anymore.
And anyway, what is a scab? They keep giving me a cheek inspec and using that word in tones which sound like a bit of a telling off along with words like, 'raw', 'scratched again' 'grey sock' and 'trumpet'.
See you next time for the punj-tenary blog!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Stiff-legged stegs

I can multitask, you know. Whilst i'm dogataking this blog i'm also playing with my moo, my squeaky ball and my pineapple.........not forgetting TOWFM too (though i don't get much of a squeak out of him even when i sit down on top of him because he's in my place on the rug. He should know that i have to sit there even when we're having supersqueaky fun just in case there is anything foodlike appears on the table.
I've chased two cats this week - the usual brown one that never seems to learn and always makes a good spectacle streaking across the front lawn and then the big sort of flatish white one with black bits on that's been sitting in the middle of the lawn since the beginning of the week and which doesn't run away when i do a stiff-legged steggy mega-pounce at it.........oh, i see....they've just told me it's my football. I knew that all along of course and there is NOTHING wrong with my eyesight or hearing at all. I'm only pretending when i let TOWCMDTGIHNITMOTN into the house in the evening (well actually, it feels like late at night they get up so early here) without batting an eyelid (that's because you spend so much time asleep you never know what's going on, Tara - blogmitarbeiterin#2).
I'm on the countdown to my blogcentenary now so i need to have a rest now to think about what i'm going to do to celebrate......oh, bedtime is it? Any chance of another bikker?