
Thursday, September 25, 2008

The F-Word, the S-Word and the P-word

I've got a few personal hygiene problems at the moment and I've finally admitted to Mum that I have a few hitch-hikers (i don't like to use the F-Word but let's just say my new nickname at the holiday home is Fleab). But i've given them their marching orders and been extra punj to scare them off so here's hoping.............
And then there's S-Word - well, actually it's the G-word first then the S-word usually in the middle of the night usually after eating too much G. I just can't understand why the-one-who-chases-me-down-the-garden-in-her-nightie-in-the-middle-of-the-night gets so upset when she finally come down to let me out (after i've done the morse code signals on the wooden floor so they know it's an S alert not just a demand for company) and i go out of the front door round the side to the spot half way down the back garden where the S belongs...and what's wrong with recycling anyway?
I've decided that i really need to do some succession planning (see, i do listen to what Mum says) so i've set TOWFM off on a reccy to those Ps at the farm
Bet you can't tell which one's me and which one's the puppy!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Gidday mate!

Oh, here we go.......just got the hang of this webcam thingy (do i need to be SpiderDog for this or what?) so we're off into the bloggosfeer......

Just managed to get onto the couch on the pretext that i can't see the screen otherwise to blog properly but we've had a bit of a disturbance and i'm now an australian! Well, spit mate, i've got my ear flapped over like one of those hats (no corks on it thank goodness) so all i need now is a tinny then i'm away! Oooooh, TOWFM has just very kindly brought me a cushion to rest my head on. If they think i'm moving at all from this position until the absolute last moment before bedtime they've got another think coming....i've switched to ironbladder mode so i won't even need to be extinguished.

Not sure where Mum has been for most of the weekend but i DO know Private Sector made me get up very early for a very early dojdrop this morning and the quality of the location has definitely declined - i mean to say, a lay-by near chippenham is a bit of a comedown (and chippenham, of all places, what about the twee tea room near Bath?).I got very excited this week when They brought me home a pineapple to play with - it's great, a bit big at first to get in my mouth and to difficult to get it to go PARP! but so exciting to play with that i haven't even complained about the fact that They put my black swan in the bin (well, it;s not supposed to be black, that's just the colour it's gone - er yuk! blogassistant #1).
Rumour has it that those nice people with the polly, the two SBDs and the barbecue (as well as all those lovely things to eat in the farmyard) have got another two labradoj puppies - all very nice but NO WAY am i going round there to get mithered by them as the beagle puppies were bad enough even from the safety of the backofthevolvo.
Well if i stop blogging now do you think They'll notice that i'm still on the couch (we will unless you stop making those funny groaning noises, Tara - blogassistant #2)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

W, T, M and............Y

Been having Y this week as an after dinner snack back at the holiday home. They seem to find it funny that i can get every last bit out of the Y pot after they've finished with it (been trained very well by Mum on cremfraysh) but i do wish TOWFM would let me have so of the chocolaty bits that come in the part which is always completely empty when i get a look in.
Anyway, great excitement last weekend....i'd forgotten all about Them at the holiday home until they turned up and home and then it all came back to me. 'Fraid to say i got a bit overexciting and did a bit much singywooystuff when TOWFM came in and lost my dignity with the other people there. I was all a bit much so i had to have a very thorough roll on the new lawn, flattening down acres of it - thought it went nicely witht he yellow scorchy bits i've been adding over the past few weeks. Managed to persuade Mum and Private Sector to send me back with TOWFM but Mum very kindly let me have a load of pink pudding which she spread on the floor specially for me - but doesn't she realise that i can't get to the curtains or the ceiling so all of it on there will have to go to waste.
TOWFM's new bed at the holiday home is great except that it's got a gap beneath it and i've managed to get myself wedged under it a couple of times and not been able to roll over and get up and have had to be delicately extracted by TOWFM so that i can be extinguished and bikkered before bed. And speaking of bed I have a lot to put up with you know - they get up much to early here so i've been pretending that i'm still asleep and not doing anything which might make them think i need to go out and have my brekker. I'm getting them trained but it is such a long time until TOWFM gets up.
And i've got a moo now which looks suspiciously like those things in the field next door except that i can get my mouth round this one and get a really good squeak out of it.And my squeaky ball! Couldn't believe my luck when that was still here (though the pendle might have aten it). And speaking of pendles, that Datzi's a bit of alright don;t you think?......... (from a distance!)
I think life's back to normal now so i'm getting enough trips in the volvos, lupos.....but i wonder there thepassat has gone?