
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wilkommen im Datzi-blog

Grüß Gott und wilkommen in Bad Tölz! Meine Name ist Datzi und ich bin keine Tara mit längeren Haar (es wäre besser Datzi, wenn du englisch spricht- blogmitarbeiter nr.1)

I bet you sought it vas Tara going srough a hippy-phase. Vell it's not - und i'fe been invited onto ze blog by ze family-from-ze-holiday-home. But vy heven't i been invited into ze volvo too?I am sure i vill make Tara very jealous as i live in a gasthof and hev unlimited access to ze surplus food and ze beer! In fect i'fe invented a new sing called ze LabrAbfalle as i can't eat it all. I hef plenty to bark at vot wiz all ze bycycles.I am not very old (but not very young eezer und i hef to keep my chin down so ze grey bits don't show) have a GSOH and am looking for friendship with a labradojin of mature years with a view to a long term relationship. Ach scheisse! Wrong website............

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Who me? I did nuffink

Someone's in the doghouse (what's wrong with dog houses anyway?) and it's not me.......it's TOWFM! (Nur, nur, ne-nur nur), Actually it nearly was me but i retrieved the situation at the last minute and got some sympathy for it too. TOWFM got his place in the doghouse for internetting too late when the GM and the one-who-drives-my-volvobed were trying to get to sleep as TOWDMV goes out very early in the morning, before i've even had a chance to relocate upstairs. Anyway, i had a bit of an accident in the middle of the night when i fell down the stairs when trying to sneak up in the dark and TOWDMV came down to rescue me and park me with a bikker back on the bed and i really laid it on thick so that i got sympathy not a good telling off. I can obviously read the situation better than TOWFM (so maybe it should be called the 'nagerhouse not the doghouse) as he got into BIG trouble when he got up for a wee just before getting up time and went straight back to bed without paying me any attention. So what could i do but drop him in it (serves him right for being AWOL last week) and start barking at the bottom of the stairs? I must say i didn't know TOWDMV could move that fast with no glasses on but decided pretty quickly i'd probably be better off if i got back on my bed then TOWFM could take all the blame.....which he did and i got off scot-free (biscuit-free also which was a bit of a downside).
I'm also keeping a low profile tonight as the GM is threatening to cut things off at 10:30 tonight.......oh, it's only the internet so it will only be painful to TOWFM who will probably get very 'nagerish and demonstrate that he'll make a good GM when he's older.
The holiday home-attendants are buggering off and leaving me for the next few weeks so it's a good job i've done my blog before the internet amputation happens......see you in September (well, i'll see Mum and Private Sector tomorrow but you know what i mean)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Spiderdog, Spiderdog .......

...getting on down to the SpiderBlog. I've turned into a superhero after a transformational event on the dojwalk today. I was hopping though the gate with the big hole in and came out the otherside (did i dispappear down a worm-hole or go into warp drive?) and came out branded by The Mark of the Spider! It wrapped it's evil web round my head so that it merged in with the other white bits and immediatly started working its magic by making TOWFM bend over and make funny noises. So i'm now able to do amazing feats.......like walking down the road scuffing my feet (well, when there's eight of them it's very hard to keep them all mobile at once).....getting beyond the gravel path before doing a wee.....like barking at cows and stegging at the same time. My only difficulty at the moment is working out how i'm going to get into the corner of the ceiling and hang there menacingly all night.........Just a thought though, do SpiderDogs get M?