
Saturday, March 29, 2008

I've been promoted!

...to the front seat of thepassat for my trip home! The Boss came and got me from the holiday home (i do wish he'd make sure he gives me his full attention when he arrives rather than talking to Them - I had to interrupt him several times you know) but he had so much stuff in the back that me and my food had to travel in the front....in fact, i had to travel on my food.
Still feeling frisky on all this pep i'm now getting - i really caught out the-one-who-now-lets-me-on-the-couch when i took her for a walk on friday; i was so quick off the mark to chase my (extra-big) stick and she's such a useless thrower that i had to catch it with the back of my neck! Good job that whip-it thing wasn't watching - we'd just had a bit of a tussle to get through the stile and anybody would think that a dojrador with a hitlermoustache, a hug stick in its mouth and a good steg was a bit intimidating! Bit windy and rainy on the walk but not nearly as bad as when we got back and They decided to stay in the garden doing goodness only knows what with stones, wheelbarrows and flappy sheets of black stuff.....when it got really wet i had to bark really loudly to get let in. What do they think I am, some kind of animal?
TOWFM is doingrevision at the moment, whatever that is so i'm (yet again) providing moral support from the chair next to him and keeping him a lert with the odd snore or emission; the last one helps him concentrate on the environmental aspects of his geography homework, you know. He's still going on about india which gets me confused as i though i was the india (no Tara, you're an indiot! - blogassistant #1) and anyway he seems to be plotting a big walk without me so i'll have to keep my ear to the ground (no change there then - blogassistant #1) and find out more.
Back to short weeks next week as Mum and the Boss have relocated back to Cam so i suppose i'd better go home and look after them (can't be trusted not to get up to something when they are left on their own). Hope Them at the holiday home have washed my puppy whilst i'm away, it was getting a bit grotty even for my taste..............

Friday, March 21, 2008

Life's soooooo exciting

Third time lucky

You know i get plenty of practice these days to perfect my crinkly-eared-greeting. Take wednesday for example - first false alarm was when the-one-who-ratted-to-mum-and-the-boss-that-i'd-been-limping-and-not-very-active came home and i did my puppy in the mounth and stand outside for ages routine until she tempted me back inside with a biscuit (it worked then). Then the second false alarm when the-one-who-gives-me-my-massage came home....he got the puppy in the mouth but no standing about. Then they went out and, third time lucky TOWFM came back in with them....he got the puppy in the mouth, a bit of circling whilst snorting at the same time, AND the standing about on the path for hours.
These new peps are very nice, just like an extra big chickenandbrownrice AND i get more squirt too. No wonder i can get back to getting back in the volvoorpassat. Good job actually, as the big plashy lake was back this week so i had to take TOWFM for a plash....but at least i didn't get a couple of inches of water in my dad's wellies.
I think i need my eyes testing (you don't say, Tara) as the two black spanials which race across the field (bit energetic for my taste) have now subdivided into three.....but hang on a minute, one of them is me reincarnated and i'm not even dead yet! It's got a red collar, the lot (bet it's not got two homes though)! Oh....they've just told me i'm not having an out of body expereince, it's just the younger generation making a spectacle of itself.
So where are my easter eggs then.............

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wind, wind, more wind.........

..........and also there's been a storm outside. Not my kind of week really - first of all I got woken up in the early hours of the morning by a big bang outside and I was not best pleased but i dutifully gave a couple of woofs, positioned myself at the bottom of the stairs with puppy at the ready then got a good telling off (as well as a bikker to settle me back down) for waking them up. And i didn't even get an apology when it was discovered next morning that the big bag was the greenshed roof coming off. Still when i accompanied the-one-who-mends-things-outside-all-week outside into the garden to give some moral support (and get in the way) i discovered that the birdnutsfeeder had also come off and so i had a really good time tidying the nuts up until TOWMTOAW came and spolied my fun. And after that I've severely restricted my visits outside especially as when i went out on blusterybinday not one had blown over and then when i went out again later in the day all of them had blown over.....but they were empty. Anyway, i'm a bit stiff at the moment as my shoulder is hurting alot and doesn't do what i want, when i want so i'm a bit (well, a lot really) of an auky-duck and not really up to long journeys beyond the necessary (ie into the kitchen when there's some cooking going on). I hear Mum and the Boss (will i still have to call him the Boss after April?) have sent a postcard from the blue-peter-dog so i'm assuming that means they are home as they always get home before their postcards so i'm limp-ering up for an extra-special greeting....and probably a trip to the vets i suppose. Oh yes....and indiots (that's you Tara, you're the indiot - blogassistant #2) and india have been the main topics of the conversation for the last few days but i'll tell you about those next week when i've been able to get a good spy on TOWFM from my vantage point on his chair

Sunday, March 09, 2008

We're eating crisps....

....well THEY are and as usual I'm being starved and not getting a look in. I'm at the holiday home for the duration and have been sitting in the sun in the garden all weekend. Mind you, i do need to be a lert as there's plenty to woof at...including a mirror image of myself across the brook which woofed back at me (that's Barnaby, Tara, he's about your age but not as decrepit - blogassistant #1)! And i've found a great new toy, a yellow bucket which i can chase all round the garden without needing assistance from the humanjs.
Got a bit of a limp this week so i've been taking it easy (when do you ever do otherwise, Tara - blogassistant #2) and trying to get some sympathyfood but no luck so far. Luckily i've got a bit of jet propulsion at the moment to boost me up the stairs but i've had a few dojy moments coming down. Luckily i don't need to come down often (just for T, M or maybe a short W) as TOWFM's chair is now my permanent home upstairs and i don't even need him to be there when i'm in residence.
Well it's five minutes to T time so I need to step up the wittering i've been doing for the last hour to make sure i get my chickenandbrownriceandwhitepillandsquirt on time..........