
Friday, March 21, 2008

Third time lucky

You know i get plenty of practice these days to perfect my crinkly-eared-greeting. Take wednesday for example - first false alarm was when the-one-who-ratted-to-mum-and-the-boss-that-i'd-been-limping-and-not-very-active came home and i did my puppy in the mounth and stand outside for ages routine until she tempted me back inside with a biscuit (it worked then). Then the second false alarm when the-one-who-gives-me-my-massage came home....he got the puppy in the mouth but no standing about. Then they went out and, third time lucky TOWFM came back in with them....he got the puppy in the mouth, a bit of circling whilst snorting at the same time, AND the standing about on the path for hours.
These new peps are very nice, just like an extra big chickenandbrownrice AND i get more squirt too. No wonder i can get back to getting back in the volvoorpassat. Good job actually, as the big plashy lake was back this week so i had to take TOWFM for a plash....but at least i didn't get a couple of inches of water in my dad's wellies.
I think i need my eyes testing (you don't say, Tara) as the two black spanials which race across the field (bit energetic for my taste) have now subdivided into three.....but hang on a minute, one of them is me reincarnated and i'm not even dead yet! It's got a red collar, the lot (bet it's not got two homes though)! Oh....they've just told me i'm not having an out of body expereince, it's just the younger generation making a spectacle of itself.
So where are my easter eggs then.............


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