
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wind, wind, more wind.........

..........and also there's been a storm outside. Not my kind of week really - first of all I got woken up in the early hours of the morning by a big bang outside and I was not best pleased but i dutifully gave a couple of woofs, positioned myself at the bottom of the stairs with puppy at the ready then got a good telling off (as well as a bikker to settle me back down) for waking them up. And i didn't even get an apology when it was discovered next morning that the big bag was the greenshed roof coming off. Still when i accompanied the-one-who-mends-things-outside-all-week outside into the garden to give some moral support (and get in the way) i discovered that the birdnutsfeeder had also come off and so i had a really good time tidying the nuts up until TOWMTOAW came and spolied my fun. And after that I've severely restricted my visits outside especially as when i went out on blusterybinday not one had blown over and then when i went out again later in the day all of them had blown over.....but they were empty. Anyway, i'm a bit stiff at the moment as my shoulder is hurting alot and doesn't do what i want, when i want so i'm a bit (well, a lot really) of an auky-duck and not really up to long journeys beyond the necessary (ie into the kitchen when there's some cooking going on). I hear Mum and the Boss (will i still have to call him the Boss after April?) have sent a postcard from the blue-peter-dog so i'm assuming that means they are home as they always get home before their postcards so i'm limp-ering up for an extra-special greeting....and probably a trip to the vets i suppose. Oh yes....and indiots (that's you Tara, you're the indiot - blogassistant #2) and india have been the main topics of the conversation for the last few days but i'll tell you about those next week when i've been able to get a good spy on TOWFM from my vantage point on his chair


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