
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Abnormal service resumed

You've heard about me giving THEM the evil eye....well this is it (or rather them)!

Been home for Christmas...lots of turkey to eat and a new squeaky ball in my stocking (well, the turkey wasn't in my stocking)....carpets! Then just when i was getting settled in and observing Mum and the Boss having a bad day (why did they need to light the camping stove in the scullery when they've just had a new kitchen, anybody know? And why was the Boss filing bits off the back light of the passat?) and keeping a low profile THEY turned up to observe me in my natural habitat (under the table at mealtimes and under the stairs at night time - well at least until i can sneak upstairs to sit on the nice warm carpet). After lunch (no turkey this time, no matter how dignified i was - but i did get some casserole for tea!) i took them for a long walk and we came home for chocolatelog (well, I didn't get any, as APPARENTLY chocolate's not good for dojs - those i pinched off the tree didn't do me any harm).
So here i am back at the holiday home, toasting my bottom in front of the fire, going for long walks across very plashy fields and generally touting for food all the time. I couldn't believe my luck today - the cat came out of the house next door just as i was walking past! I gave it a good steggy-woof and then have been on cat patrol every since to make sure there are none up the willow tree.
They tell me we are off to the housewithcake...can't wait and i wonder if my friend the pendle will be there

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter's on its way...........

MMMMMM.....'driving home for Christmas'......just humming along again. Actually, the words should be 'being driven home for Christmas' but no-one seems to know that version. AND there's been a comment on the bloj - TOWFM tells me it's from someone called Roger.....so is that roj-on-the-doj-bloj?
Anyway, I've seen a very interesting notice in the kitchen. I don't normally look at notices as they aren't edible but i might just follow this one up. It says that i can get a winter check (not sure why i have to go in the garage for it, can't they do it near a radiator?)...that's front and rear breaks (but i haven't broken anything this week, let alone at the front and the rear!), all my fluids topped up (hopefully not too much as that will means i'll have to go outside in the cold more often to un-top them), a check on my battery (not sure what that is...some kind of squeaky toy?) and the condition and pressures checked on my legs. Problem is that when i tried to follow it up yesterday i only got as far as next-door-but-two before the-one-who-has-started-calling-me-yet-another-nickname came and hauled me back.
We watched a great DVD this week....well, they watched it and i managed to find myself a space on the settee for the duration. They really don't leave me enough space - i'm entitled to at least half the settee and the three of them should sit on the other half.........still managed to make progress after a good thrutch just at the climax of the film so they are distracted.
And i do wish all those people wouldn't get in the way when Mum carries me from the volvo to the passat.........it's hard enough work for me as it is.......

Friday, December 14, 2007

Absolute zero minus 247 = very cold

I've been on strike in protest against the paw (it's 'poor', Tara) working conditions at the holiday home. They breached the elf'n'safety regulations by letting the temperature in my bed get below the legal minimum (40 degrees in the shade) so I've been too cold to blog. THEY TURNED MY HEATER OFF. I was seriously considering whether I ought to whistle-blow to Mum and the Boss but thought I'd give the holiday home pack just one more chance (and a good dose of the evil eye) and sure enough it's been back on for the last day or so. At first I thought I'd made a BIG mistake as the heater wasn't on on Monday but the-one-who's-now-smearing-green-stuff-on-the-walls did let me sit on the settee whilst he smeared near my bed (and my radiator). Well, he didn't actually let me, he just didn't notice i'd got on and he didn't actually say I couldn't.......managed it a couple of times later in the week too.
Went on a scary walk with TOWFM this week - getting across the bridge near the stick field was like scaling the north face of the Eiger.......we almost needed to be roped together (i tried to get TOWFM on the lead but he wouldn't come) it was sooooo slippy. Anyway, i managed to crank up the power to my back axle, increased the revs to maximum and got up eventually.........must be all that chicken and turbo rice i eat.
Actually i don't like this cold weather as they keep making me go out for a wee........i'm thinking of putting a litter tray on my christmas list.............and something to pee'n'poo in too.
Apart from that, i've done bugger all this week (no change there then - Blogassistant #1)