
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Swimming 3, Damnations 0

Back into the routine this week....i get a bit confused when i'm not in my routine. Actually, it wasn't quite as it should be when i got handed back at the end on this week as i hadn't had chance to do an outside-greeting on TOWFM after we'd collected him and then there were Mum and the Boss (why was the Boss looking a bit cross-eyed and ropey, anyone know?) and i didn't quite know who to greet first. I decided it was in my best interests to pass over TOWFM then greet the pari (that's plural for parents, you know) - especially as TOWFM had slept all the way to the dogdroplayby and ignored me (well, ignored me until he passed me a very tasty pringle to munch).
Been doing lots of fwimming this week - even did two fwims on the walk i took the-one-with-a-worse-limp-than-me. Only problem was she can't get down to the riverbank so i lost my stick as she wouldn't come and pick it up (and of course it would ruin my reputation as a non-retriever to bring it back to her). I've also worked out that if i hang back a bit i can roll in some really nice-smelling stuff and TOWAWLTM can't run back and stop my fun - so i made the most of it but thought the better of it later when she hosed me down when we got back to the house.
Been a lert this week as i'd heard there was now a damnation using my field to go for a walk but i've obviously seen it off (from the safety of the garden, of course) as i've not seen it at all.
Been wondering if i should start getting Mum and the Boss up earlier.......about 5:30 sounds a good time.......

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The days are getting shorter.....

Well thank goodness for that....the rug is back! So i've abandoned the tatty bath towel and taken up the whole of the rug....just as it should be. And do you know I didn't touch the ground between home and the holiday home as Mum lifted me from thepassat into thevolvo without me so much as having to put on my 'i'm an old doj' routine.
Actually, i've had a really hard day as i didn't managed to get Mum up until 10:30 - i'll have to tell the Boss that she sleeps in soooooo long when he's away that my brekker is four hours late!
Had a good play with the really expensive toys they give me at the holiday home - a plashtic water bottle to scrunch and a ripped nappy which used to be worn by TOWFM.....really good fun though they've taken the nappy away saying something about my swallowing-a-tea-towel-trick.
Well, been up nearly 10 hours now so i think it's time for some M then bed......oh no! There's a milk shortage - hardly a mouthful! Not like the big bowl i got when we arrived home on Friday. I'm going to have to hang about on the drive all day tomorrow to see if the milkman comes (you'll have a long wait, Tara - he doen't come till Tuesday!).
Now, where's my puppy........

Friday, October 05, 2007

Behind the scenes of the taradogblog......

This is me dogtating the taradogblog to blogassistants #1 and #2. See you next week.....

Savaging swans and stegging

No, the first isn't a swear word, just what i've been doing for the last few minutes in retribution for not being allowed to go and sit in the car all day. That's the third bit of retribution i've had to do actually - when they wouldn't let me in the car just before lunch i had to wander off to two-doors-down just as they were about to sit down to eat and then when the-one-with-more-of-a-limp-than-me and TOWFMMB came back in the car a few minutes ago i greeted them with a really good steg - don't know what a steg is? its something humnajs don't seem to be able to do, i do it when i'm trying to look fierce and agressive and it makes by hair stand on end.
Being valeted pretty often at the moment as i'v got gunkyyear (whatever that it) but i know its going to happen again when TOWMOALTM gets the funny gloves on and TOWFM makes me sit down in the scullery. I;m so generous i always reward them with a singydancydisplay even though i don't really like being valeted.
I got an email this week - just chased it round the field until it got tired and gave in. Actually i'm lying - i've no idea what an email is but they told me i'd got one. I hope it doesn't mean extra valeting.