
Friday, August 31, 2007

Tara 1, Plastic Bottles 14

I like this place! There are so many new toys everyday to play with. The one-who-can't-walk-without-two-sticks (how comes she gets two sticks and i can only ever have one?) seems to be on some sort of contest for how much water she can drink and so there is a CONSTANT supply of plashtic bottles for me to play with. So I've scattered them all over the garden and make sure that i give them an extra loud scrunch when they are trying to talk on the telephone.
That nice postman is back again too - i was parked in the Volvo this morning (and this afternoon) surveying my domain and saw the postman come up the drive. I ignored him as usual of course and didn't even bother to bark but he still gave me a bikker. Why those humanjs get so excited about the paper things he puts though the door i don't know - they are obviously not special enough to get bikkers.
And then this afternoon i spotted a strange man in the chair by the front window and had a good growlly woof at him......bit embarrassing really as when i got close i realised it was the-one-who-chauffeurs-me. He must have been in disguise because of course my eyesight is perfect. Never mind, i did that aren't-i-a-daft-dog act which always covers up the odd difficult moment and they do SO love it.
A max came round this week too, bringing a gabrielle with it. Not sure what either of those are but thought it best to keep a low profile with the first as he looked like he might be a bit unsteady on his feet sometimes (he's only two, Tara). Anyway he was quite noisy and kept calling me 'wawy' - must have got me confused with some other blackradog - but gave me a few nice pats (and put his finger up my nose too - not had that before!).
Back to Mum and the Boss for the weekend then getting delivered directly to the holiday home next week as the Boss is going to wallop - wallop who, I'm not quite sure but it will surely all be revealed.....

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tara 1, Clear Air 0

Well the cheek of it - some whip-it-snap-it (is that the word?) of an upstart has been in my garden AND on my blog! I'm not surprised that it daren't show it's face. I've been on patrol constantly, CONSTANTLY ever since - i've even had a look in every bin in the house to check it wasn't there and i've barked at anything that moved (and a few things that didn't) just to show the whole world that it's MY holiday home and I'M back in residence. Actually it's been a bit confusing over the few weeks since i was last here - i appear to have acquired THREE other holiday homes and didn't know whether i was coming or going. Everywhere else seemed very keen on giving me a bath but i've not been fwimming for a good few weeks now - why is it that some water they are very keen to get me in but some they say 'oh Tara' in a funny tone of voice when i go in of my own accord? But i seem to have got back into the home/holiday home routine now after an extra long weekend with Mum and the Boss.
One thing i'm also confused about is the fact that they keep referring to me here as Punj - they told the very nice people who were here today that it is short for 'Pungent Pedder', whatever that means. Actually i'm trying to be at my most fragrant in this hot weather (and you are succeeding, Tara), and luckily enough there's no daily swim to was it off. If i think the fragrance is wearing off i just emit a bit extra (that usually clears the room, if not the house) to top it up.
Thinking about it (not that i do much thinking), i think i'll adopt the name Black Blogger for myself - sounds quite stylish don't you think? Better anyway that the names they call me here.........the Grey Streak, PP, Daft Dog (whatever one of those is) to name but a few.
I'm having real trouble getting TOWFM out of bed in the morning at the moment so i'll have to have a lie down now and think how i can improve my technique for tomorrow morning.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Tara 0, Squatters 1

I'm always on the look out for uninhabited blogs and this one suits me fine....i thought it was supposed to be a holiday home but looks like the Black Blogger has gone on holiday and left the field clear for me! I prefer to keep my identity secret (in case the Black Blogger decides to retaliate) but this place looked like a VERY good place to stay...they gave me some water and played with me a bit and there are some very interesting smells in the garden, especially in the long grass near the brook. I was on my best behaviour (why does everyone always want me to sit?) and most appealing but i did realise they were comparing me with the BB - something about 'not smelling as much', having fewer grey hairs (well i'm only young, you know - can't be a squatter when you are in your dotage) and generally a bit better at following instructions (well, i told you i was on my best behaviour - i usually wit until i'm well established before doing my own thing). Any way, i enjoyed my stay here as i'd had a very long, hot run across the fields after i escaped (bet the person who was supposed to be looking after me got into BIG trouble!) but i got found out and the very nice lady i usually live with came to collect me. Ho hum, better luck next time. "They seek her here, they seek her there" The Chocolate Dojrador (names have been changed to protect the innocent, or at least the old and decepit)