
Friday, August 31, 2007

Tara 1, Plastic Bottles 14

I like this place! There are so many new toys everyday to play with. The one-who-can't-walk-without-two-sticks (how comes she gets two sticks and i can only ever have one?) seems to be on some sort of contest for how much water she can drink and so there is a CONSTANT supply of plashtic bottles for me to play with. So I've scattered them all over the garden and make sure that i give them an extra loud scrunch when they are trying to talk on the telephone.
That nice postman is back again too - i was parked in the Volvo this morning (and this afternoon) surveying my domain and saw the postman come up the drive. I ignored him as usual of course and didn't even bother to bark but he still gave me a bikker. Why those humanjs get so excited about the paper things he puts though the door i don't know - they are obviously not special enough to get bikkers.
And then this afternoon i spotted a strange man in the chair by the front window and had a good growlly woof at him......bit embarrassing really as when i got close i realised it was the-one-who-chauffeurs-me. He must have been in disguise because of course my eyesight is perfect. Never mind, i did that aren't-i-a-daft-dog act which always covers up the odd difficult moment and they do SO love it.
A max came round this week too, bringing a gabrielle with it. Not sure what either of those are but thought it best to keep a low profile with the first as he looked like he might be a bit unsteady on his feet sometimes (he's only two, Tara). Anyway he was quite noisy and kept calling me 'wawy' - must have got me confused with some other blackradog - but gave me a few nice pats (and put his finger up my nose too - not had that before!).
Back to Mum and the Boss for the weekend then getting delivered directly to the holiday home next week as the Boss is going to wallop - wallop who, I'm not quite sure but it will surely all be revealed.....


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