
Sunday, July 01, 2007

Tara 0, SBD 1

This is a pendle. I met one for the first time yesterday - they tried to tell me it was a bull something-or-other but those are usually black and white. This one came to visit the House with the Cake yesterday and brought an unclerichard with it - not sure what one of those was but it was very friendly and made such a big fuss of me. The pendle and i took the humanjs for their daily exercise - i think the unclerichard misbehaves as the pendle has to keep him on a long lead in case he runs off. I've got TOWFM and the-one-who-lifted-me-down-from-the-car much better trained - i only needed to have them on the lead round the nasty corner in case they wandered into the road when a car was coming. Not been down this lane for a walk before (yes you have Tara, the last time you needed the exercise after stealing a whole cake! - Blogassistant #2) and there were some really good plashy bits (which the pendle enjoyed too) and i found a particluarly tasty-looking chicken's foot on the road but wasn't quick enough before TOWLMDFTC got to me. Mind you, they weren't quick enough to stop me hoovering up the cat food when i arrived!

The muppety thing was definitely not there but I saw the SBD (and it is actually now a Bit-Bigger-Black-Dog) - no way was that a cat as the-one-who-kindly-leaves-the-lid-off-the-cake-tin kept calling it. After all, if it had been a cat i would have had no difficulty in pushing past it when it stood in the doorway stopping me getting in (you're a coward Tara, it wasn't even hissing at you). Anyway i decided that i liked the pendle much better so ignored the BBBD for the rest of the visit.

They've been promising me some cold turkey for the past couple of days but i'm still waiting - and i don't appear to be getting the squirty stuff on my tea anymore but apparently i still have a lot of pep (is that some new kind of food?) in me. I'll have to have a word with Mum and the Boss when I see them - i either want the cold turkey they've been promising or the squirty stuff back. I wonder when Mum and the Boss are coming back? I'm all ready for them - my coat's all untidy from the frequent swimming sessions, the-one-who-shovels-stuff-off-the-front-lawn says i'm looking a bit rough, my ear is playing up again so i need to go back and get valeted.....


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