
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tara 1, Other occupants of settee 0

Managed it again! This is me in my DVD viewing spot. I've worked out that if i confine myself to a small part of the settee, a sort of no-mans-land between the other occupants and the arm, then noboby can really give me a good reason why i shouldn't be there - afterall i'm not inhibiting anyone else's free use of the facilities. As you can see, i've also developed the technique of remaining in situ when everyone else has gone as i'm sure they'll forget about me and leave me here when the lights go out and they go up to bed. Still working on how i get my nighty-night bikker if i succeed.
It's been very rainy here today and we went for a fabulous splashy walk this morning - the field had LOADS of puddles to race through after my helicopter-stick (you know, the one that got a good review in What Stick? magazine as having the great acceleration - actually i find that it's a bit difficult to see in the long grass as it's so thin). Then the road up to the Common was flooded which was great for splashing but no-one told me there was a very deep bit near the hedge (it's called a ditch Tara) so i had to engage my emergency swimming function (ESF) till i could get back into splash-mode. Then on the way home....what excitement! My BIG stick was found in the hedge where the-one-with-flooded-wellies had left it a few days ago. I was SO pleased that i dumped the helicopter stick there and then.
Our walk this afternoon (well, these humans do need to get a good amount of exercise you know or they get fidgety and can become destructive - read that in my book about dogs) was more of a swim as the whole of the back field had turned into a lake. I had such fun chasing sticks though it that when we came back i was ready for my tea at 4:00.........do you think that means I can persuade them i need another one before bed time tonight? Might be worth a try.........

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tara 0, Bridges 2

Didn't have time to blog last week as I was only here for a few days - still, i gave Mum an extra special greeting when she picked me up just to let her know I do like coming home.
Had some very good walks last week though had a bit of bother getting my extra big stick across the bridge over the swimming-brook - i managed it at last but it took me a while to get the trailers of brambles off the end. I'm getting quite good at pretending to ignore my stick when I've run after it and picked it up till just before the-one-who-cleared-up-my-sick-this-morining gets to it - then i just snatch it off and lollop off to prove that i'm in charge of the game. Bit of a problem with the small bidge over the ditch though as I fell off it (they said something about being too cocky, whatever that means) and was left standing on my back legs just about able to get my front feet on the bridge and wondering how to get back up. It was a bit undignified having to be hauled out and i do wich they wouldn't laugh so much sometimes. Actually i'm getting my own back this week as i've decided to go over the top a bit and pretend i don't like that bridge and the stile near it so they have to help me over (what does 'pathetic' and 'big wuss' mean'?) - then just when i've lulled them into a false sense of security i make a dash for the brook and manage a few circles of doggy-paddle (brook's a bit deep this week so i have to watch the current).
Got a really good toy to play with - it alwasy need a really good' kill' when i pcik it up though i get a bit dizzy when i've given it a good shaking.
I'm investigating some navigation lights (maybe i could wear my devil horns inside) as i'm having a bit of trouble with being invisible in the dark when they are watching DVDs as they keep tripping over me - i've told them in so many words that the solution is to let me on the settee but that's not working as yet. Maybe tonight.........

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tara 0, Guide Dogs 1

Sticks! I've rediscovered them - or rather it! Just going out for my walk this afternoon (they didn't take the many hints, stretches, staring pointedly at the coat rack I did earlier on) and I spotted the BIG stick i collected a few weeks ago. Took me a while to get it balanced but i got the hang of it and apart for a bit of a delay when the one-who-chauffers-me went back into the house (muttering something about 'well if you are taking that thing across a cow-pooy wet field, I'm not throwing it without gloves on) went off at quite a trot just to prove to my public that there's life in the old dog yet. Bit of a problem with the stile as the stick wouldn't go through (found out the hard way and I've now got a gape like a crocodile) but managed it in the end with a bit of pushing, crouching and brute force. Had such fun in the wind and the rain chasing my stick (though the-one-who-escorts-me isn't THAT good at throwing).
Got a bit confused eralier today, though I did try to pretend it was on purpose. A car pulled into the drive, and the driver got out and went to talk to that nice lady next door (you know, the one who didn't mind when I went exploring in her garden and then did a BIG wee in the middle of their back lawn). I was sure the car was a volvo but as i coudn't quite see who the driver was I had a really good bark when the-one-who-has-been-living-in-the-airing-cupboard-today let me out. Felt a bit of a fool when I got close enough to realise it was the-one-who-chauffers-me coming home - must see if i can get one of those blind-dogs for the guides (do I have to join the guides to get one, can anyone tell me).
They (the holiday-home-servants) are all upstairs at the moment but i'm sure it must be time for their tea soon so i'll position myself right at the top of the stairs so i'm first to know if they are making a move and i can keep an eye on the kitchen too. Surely thay must be hungry by now......

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tara 1, Space left on the couch 0

Made it! They WERE about to watch a DVD (see my last blog) and hadn't left me much space but i didn't let that stop me. Hopped onto the couch whilst the lights were out (after doing my usual wander across the screen to block their view - that alwasy gets them going) then wriggled and thrutched until i'd got myself comfortable. I even managed to get TOWFM told off by the other two couch-dwellers as he kept having to shout at me when i kicked him too much. Never mind, got a comfy seat in the end and was able to watch the last part of the DVD in peace. Not really sure what caused all the laughter when the light went back on (i can maintian my dignity is such situations so i just ignored them).

Been reading more of my new book about these dog-things and have decieded i'd quite like to be one - actually they seem to display many of the same habits as me so they can't be all that bad. Apparently, when they are puppies they try to all snuggle up together and that means trying to get on the couch and in the bed with humanjs - i keep trying that with TOWFM but he won't let me climb the ladder onto his sleeping platform ( a few sharp barks usually brings him down though).

A bit crispy outside this morning so i was high-stepping on the long walk with the bathroom-humanj - brook was a bit cold too so i didn't stay in long but had a good woofy-chase of something up the lane (don't know what ti was, but it moved so i chased it just to show it who is boss round here). I thought i'd found another volvo this afternoon in the back garden - not quite as refined and comfortable but i hopeed in anyway and the handling was okay until it moved (didn't know TOWFM was allowed to drive) and it was open-top which is a bit nippy in this weather and it only had one wheel. For some reason TOWFM started rolling about on the floor muttering things about 'wheelbarrows' and as it didn't seem to be going anywhere i got out and left him to it.

I'm going home tomorrow - it's been a long week but i have had some titbits (don't tell Mum as i'm trying to watch my weight..........