
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Thunder 1, Tara nil

What ho!!

Life here at 'Pricey towers' is as normal - well, to be honest, about as normal as my life ever seems to get. The-one-who-made-concerning-noises-bending-over-the-toilet-whilst-splurging-out-unwanted-food and those other two so-and-so's are watching something called 'Jeeves and Wooster' and keep using funny language (like what ho); I was a bit worried yesterday when TOWFM kept being sick so i felt it my duty to accompany him and then give his face alick to cheer him up when he got back on the couch (why can't i goon the couch when i'm sick.
Had a really good roll in some lovely stuff this morning - well, really good until the one-who-is smearing-stuff-on-my-bedroom-wall hosed me down when i came back and then made me sit outside in the sun with him ntil the smell had gone (why he has to smell so much i don't know).
I'm a bit frikled by the lightening this evening so have been keeping close to (and even under) the table. Bt its gone quiet now so i'm off to bed.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tara 1 Wayne Rooney 0

I've got a poorly foot today - perhaps it's my third metatarsel - and i keep having to lick and nibble it. The one-who-has-been-threatening-me-with-a-sock keeps interrupting me to see what's wrong and then tells the one-who-didn't-get-up-to-see-to-me-at-5:45-this-morning that she can't see anythng wrong and anyway i'm not favouring it - of course i'm not favouring it, i only favour edible things!
No cats in the garden today but i did have a really good look round the willow tree as that is where cats ALWAYS are, don't you know. But there was a fantantic new chew to play with and tug TOWFM round the garden - he let go though when i showed him what i would do if i got hold of a cat......though thinking about it it's much more fun shaking a chew from side to side.
Well i need to go now for another footlick - need to do it furtively as i've seen that they've got the grey sock out again........

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tara 1, Cat a big fat zero!

What an exciting end to the day! The one-with-the-beard has just sent me out into the garden saying that there was a cat - and there it was, black as anything right at the bottom of the garden next to the willow tree. Well, i don't think i've run that fast for that long in a long while but i had the satisfaction of seeing it go right up the top of the tree - and there it sits, a big black blob. I did a victory patrol and then made sure there were no cows hanging over the fence (now that would be good if i could scare one of them up the tree) before coming back in to the accolades (and a biscuit from the-one-who-doesn't-often-give-me biscuits.......maybe he's actually a soft touch like the rest of them after all).
I've been in the garden for most of the evening, throwing balls for the one-who-feeds-me to chase and bring back as well as making some lovely perforations with my teeth in a boomerang. I even brought the-one-who-spends-alot-of-time-digging a small bottle of water when she asked, though i got fed up of carrying it before i got to her and tried to chew it instead.
So i'm worn out now and am going to lie on the hearth rug (and hope they put that lovely fire on so my coat gets too hot to touch - always amuses them) and reenact the whole thing in my dreams......but first i think i'll do another patrol just in case the cat gets any ideas about coming down - a few short barks should put paid to that.