
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

J'ai aller au pub

Nous reviseron pour nos exams en francais......en fait, TOWFM revise et je provider le support morale. Well, that's enough russian for now, back to the really exciting stuff as i'm off home tomorrow after my two weeks here - and i get to ride in the blackaudi.
Been quite eventful here really. I learned to fly at the housewiththecake - didn't mean to, but tripped over the doorstep and launched myself off the steps into the drive. No harm done (where there's no sense there's no feeling - blogparamedic #3) but i don't think i'll do it again. Then we had a barbecue and the man-with-the-leg-growing-out-of-his-chest played rolling-on-the-anty-bits with me - he's not quite grasped that you need to stick your tongue out whilst doing it though

Then tonight we went down the pub via the verylonggrass and i had a fim on the way. They had a drink and I watched TOWFM have some crisps

and then we walked very fast home......

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A bit of soft fruit

As you know, I'm partial for a bit of soft fruit so how come TOWFM has a blackberry but i'm not allowed to have one? And how come he puts his near his ear and not in his mouth? I'll never understand these humanjs! Anyway, it's now a standoff. For some reason (probably something to do with the fact that you wandered off halfway up the close at 10:45 at night - blogsearchandrescue#1) TOWFM now has to stand guard when i go out for my wee and smiff after M - and he takes his blackberry with him so when is he going to eat it? Actually, who cares............the blanket is out and i'm in the launch position ready for my DVD kip

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spargel mit Zitronensoß, Salzkartoffel und Lachs

Finally! I've been in my dotage dropping VERY big hints that it's past nine o'clock and i've not been milked....oh. wait a minute.....that's better. Been milked now, had a quick patrol and smiff on the path, accompanied by a little light burping and now it's back in to watch TOWFM have his evening smackerel.

It's yu-ro-pin food week at the holiday home and i'm certainly getting my five-a-day (yes Tara, and depositing it on the lawn - blogvoovoozayla #1) as we had yummy germanfood yesterday though i've no idea what TOWTRV meant when she said the sauce tasted like the munichratskeller as that sounds pretty....well, rodent to me. And then homade pizza for tea tonight with some very crunchy crusts for me. I've tried to indicate that i don't care if the food runs out whilst i'm here for the duration (the GM is worried that it might - so is he eating it too?) as i've seen the menu for the rest of the week and that will do me just fine.

I've converted TOWTRV to the joys of going on patrol round the garden in the early evening as we no go down to the and have a good inspec of the greenhouse (tomatoes are coming on nicely and i've checked i can reach enough of them when they turn red) then go with the GM for an inspec of the grass next to the brook then i have a roll on the anty bit of the lawn but they don't then we come back in and have a big squeaky pounce on the animiles....then i'm in position (in the way more like - blogtripper#2) in the kitchen ready to help with the cooking.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Happy 14th Birthday !

and i'm having a double-doj-bloj to celebrate! Anybody would think i'm an old doj from this photo........

You can teach an old doj new tricks......

It's been Food Week at the holiday home - well, it's been find-ingenious-ways-to-get-food week actually. Here's some tips to pass onto the next generation:

* when Becca is here dipping doritos into some gunk for lunch, roll over and look cute making sure the the open-sore on the side of your face is showing so it puts her off her food (and it comes in your direction) then do a big sneeze just to clinch it.

* keep a beady eye open for when the dishwasher is left unattended, especially when there is more of that very tasty gravy dripped on the door.......make sure your front legs are right up against the side to get maximum range........

Shame about that last little bit which i just couldn't reach......

And the gooseberries are coming along nicely so they should be ready to eat next week - and i see there will be tomatoes in the greenhouse so i'm looking forward to grazing on them too. In the meantime i'll have to content myself with the extra-tasty soil near the cherry tree.

They tell me it's T-Day on Sunday - does that mean i've got to practice my beach landings? I can do the circling bit in the brook whilst i'm waiting for the beach to clear and even get up the cliffs on the other side.....