
Saturday, February 20, 2010

A narrow escape

I think the GM and TOWTRV are having trouble with the stairs too as they appear to be sleeping on the couch at the moment - not my couch thank goodness (you must be joking Tara to think we'd kip where you've been sleeping - blogcamper #1) and their couch seems to get bigger when the light switches off and takes up the whole room. I had to do a double take on the way out for my morning wee-and-a-smiff - i thought for a moment i'd gone the wrong way and gone upstairs instead. And how is it that they get to sleep in the warm room and i'm in the freezing cold hall with just my snuggly, tick and lobby the louster to keep me from being frozen in the morning! Oh, i see - I know my radiator is on really, just testing to see if they know as well. The doj-w with TOWFM was pretty eventful too as we saw THE MILK TANKER coming back through the village with nowhere to hide - i was thankful that at least TOWFM didn't crash into it this time.

Think i might venture upstairs next week to see what's going on in the-room-i'm-not-allowed in.............

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chargrilled chicken and asparagus risotto

There are some benefits to TOWTRV working at home whilst TOWFM and the GM went off in thegreyvolvo to coventry.......for lunch i had two licky jobs to do, the risotto then a nice toffee yoghurt MMMMMMMMMM! Got a bit of a surprise from the dojwalk though....we went the other way after going across the weir! So i stood and stared just to make it known that i don't usually go that way and then made TOWTRV come back and get me, before starting off just before she got there. I think it was revenge for the big p***h i did on the path on the wrong side of the stile and which then needed dribbling into the field - marvellous footballing skills really, with the stickiest substance known to man on the end of your welly.
TOWFM's a sadistic, apparently....oh, it's statistic and he's well and truly in the 'nager house! Something about the yellow doj-transporter and a milk tanker and how he prided himself on not being a boy-racer and where's he going to find athousandpounds for the repair (don't look at me, you know i'm above such sordid things as money). He wasn't injured - at least not until TOWTRV got hold of him. So it's GM doj-drop for me still in future. Now, where's my M.............

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Barge, click, click, click click, barge, nose smear

Actually that's not quite right as i always make sure they are sitting down in front of the fire before i leave my dotage and do a couple of laps, making sure i get the maximum nose smear on the glass doors. And then i settle down on the rug and wait till they get settled again and then start pesterating to get on the couch for the next installment of the leg-flapping-nose-twitching-dreaming. My routine of causing maximum disruption in the eveings went awry yesterday as after i'd pesterated to go out the very-noisy-black-things-were hovering right over the patio ready to get me so i had to stand in the doorway half in and half out until TOWFM came down to accompany me as i was very frikled. Mind you, it made for good dreams afterwards.
No pancakes here today - what a swizz! All i got was a couple of doj-cherry-tomatoes and a linquine so i'm having an ears-back-starey-do until they realise that i've not had my pancakes...........