
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

They think it's all over........and it is!

Very exciting here this week, very, very exciting! So exciting that I don't know where to start. Had another dark walk in a dark field in the dark with TOWFM but we managed to avoid any mishaps this time and got back in time for tea - then when i was just on the thirteenth shovel full into my mouth (i only start chewing after fifteen shovels) TOWFM opened the fridge and i thought humanj-tea had started so i managed to get into the kitchen, checked out whether there was any better food going, and got back to my bowl before i needed to start shovelling again.

Then when TOWTRV came home and humanj-tea started properly i took up my usual position in front of the oven on permalert and then IT HAPPENED! TOWTRV got the baked potatoes out of the oven (yes, Tara and i have to stretch from three feet away because you always lie right in front - blogsouschef #1), shrieked (well, there were some words said that i don't think could be published on the blog) and dropped one (a potato, that is) - but is was alright as i managed to head it perfectly to get a rebound off the cupboard and onto the floor. Actually i've never seen TOWTRV move so quickly to barge me out of the way to eat it off the floor before i could get it.....oh, she tells me she didn't want to eat it, just didn't want me to eat it. Still i got a bikker for going in my bed straight away and as the potato hadn't broken the one minute rule they had it for tea (bet the GM doesn't know that) i didn't even get if afterwards when it cooled down. Shame.

Then we've been having trouble with roundabouts - well, TOWFM has and so hasn't pissed again....oh, they tell me it's that he hasn't passed. Anyway he's putting in again and hopes to get it before christmas. What a load of claptrap these humanjs talk - i do wish they'd explain to me what's going on - no wonder i'm confused.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A spot of bother

We got in bit of bother today on the doj-W. Well TOWFM did, i was fine all along just a spot of bother with a barbedwire fence. TOWFM left it so late to take me for my W (despite plenty of stretching, paw-pointing and groaning on my part) that it was almost dark when we set out. Then we got delayed so he could go and get a torch then we had the spot of bother the other side of the field when he dropped the torch and i got accosted by the barbed wire fence and he got accosted by a hedge. Anyway, i got my self sorted first and carried on but TOWFM kept shouting something about the 'needles in haystacks' or was that black dogs in a dark field. We got home eventually and i had to have a long sleep and TOWFM had to raid the chocolate biscuit tin. Tried to persuade him to swap but no luck.

We've had lamb stew for tea - yummy! Well, i only had a bit of the gravy but that was very tasty and TOWTRV ate half a cake and the GM drank half a bottle of wine and TOWFM ate most of the rest of the food in the house. And now it's M time then C time then bed time again.

The GM said whilst stoking the fire a few minutes ago that all the bark had been used used up so i'm off out to prove him wrong.....then it's C then it's B

Friday, November 13, 2009

Guestblogger from ganistan

Crikey! And i thought i led an exciting life! What with getting wedged (again), trying to get in the way as much as possible on the landing during the morning rush hour and being on permalert during feeding times it's all go here. You'd think that would be enough for any blackradoj but some of the younger generation do go to extremes a bit. Just look at that Sabi - goes all the way to ganistan (i always thought that was something the humanjs swigged to cure dikkitummy) for a game of ball with some chappies with funny accents and in the sort of clothes Pte Sector used to wear when he was a colonel. Of course we RA dogs don't like to show off that much - quietly understated, that's us (you're so quietly understated at the moment Tara that you're never awake - blogspecialforces #1). Streuth mate, just goes to show how bloody resourceful we blackradojs are.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


Managed to get wedged under TOWFM's bed again this week. I'm sure when i lie down he lifts the bed over me and completely dispute that it's anything to do with me. I just lie down near the bed whilst he's puterating then have a stretch and then another one and suddenly without me noticing he's put the bed on top of me (how does TOWFM do that without getting out of his seat?) and I'm stuck. So it's ready one two three and i get manoovered out again.
Pulled a good trick on TOWTRV this week - i did some tap-dancing in the middle of the night and then butted the room where all the food is door open. Well that got TOWTRV down pretty smartish and i was sitting on my bed ready for my bikker before she'd even got to the bottom of my stairs. That'll teach them to turn my radiator off.
And this is me being very active! The only problem with that back leg is that sometimes a bit of carrot gets stuck under it and so i can't find it until i get up (if you didn't try to catch it and then missed Tara it wouldn't rebound off your ear and go under you leg - blogpsychic #1).