
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Return of THE SOCK

I've been promoted! I'm now being doj-dropped in avolvo so that's V2V. Note carefully that i haven't said the volvo as another one's appeared that i'd just look so good in as it matches my collar but i've not been allowed in it yet (mind you, nor has GM) so i'm still hopeful.
Been for my pre-M walk around the garden accompanied by TOWFM as he's on some kind of sentry duty to stop me scraping/rolling/otherwise interfering with the left side of my face. Anyway, now i'm worn out and panting and hoping they've forgotten about THE SOCK! I thought something was up when we went into the latex-gloves-position in the scullery....that's TOWFM blocking my exit and the-one-with-the-red-volvo with some kind of stuff which i just know she's going to start putting on me. They think i don't know that when they say 'good girl' loads on times that means i'm not going to like it! Actually, it wasn't too bad really (but i wouldn't tell them that) and stopped the itching for a bit.........but THE SOCK and SELLOTAPE (sounds like the name of a pub - blogwallah#1) are still there, just waiting until i've been stinguished and markied.................i suppose at least it's better than being trumpeted (you bet it is, Tara - begum blogwallah).
I'm here for the duration again - Mum & Pte Sector have gone off to invade france ..........oh, no got that wrong, that's the book that TOTRV is reading....still i know it's something to do with boats and coasts.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Urgh (TOWFM's title for this blog)

Well it's been a bit confusing but i've pretended to know what's going on and now i think it's all back to normal.....i think. Last week i went home as normal then came back pretty smartish with Mum and Pte Sector but wasn't dropped off, unless that is they were being dropped off too. And my box and bed didn't come with me either. Anyway, we went for a walk and i showed Mum & Pte Sector my fimming spot. We had tea (I got a few scraps but not as many as i normally get here) and they were still here but i was allowed on the couch without my sheet but they were still here so i had a good starey do then settled down. And there were so many humanjs here that i had to share my couch with the GM. Then i had M (TOWFM was even later than usual) and got stinguished.... well, it thought i was getting stinguished but then found myself being loaded up into theaudi and we went home. Blimey that week went quick. And for a moment i thought Mum & Pte Sector were going to start coming to the holiday home every week too....that would have cramped my style so i made sure that they know what the routine here is with a 06:30 wake up call on sunday morning. Sure enough it worked and i'm back again on my own.

TOWFM and i are keeping a low profile at the moment as GM is on one of his who's-taken-all-the-black-pens rampages and TOWFM swears it isn't him so i can see the spotlight falling on me as i do a good line in looking guilty. Actually, if i ever saw a black pen here it might come in useful for greeshuntoothousanding my grey bits.

I'm reliably informed that the K word which was mentioned on saturday (you thought i was asleep!) has now receded and Mum has also gone down in the world and deigned to work in Nam (" i love the smell of chip-alm in the morning" dur-der-derder-der-der.....)...wow, this cat-poo is strong stuff, what do they put in it...........