
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Is it really that long since i last blogged? Well it's because i lead such a busy life, you know. I've set my own business up now so i just don't get a minute as i'm rushed off my feet all day. I've worked out a way of static patrolling which you can see in action here.(Action! Ha! - blogazubi #2).
Apart from that we've been learning to parallel park. Well, i've been showing TOWFM how to do it so he can practice when he's not in the car. You just sit in the middle of the kitchen then slow manoeuvre over to one side through 90 dogrees, making sure that your bottom doesn't come off the floor and then there you are, properly parked and ready for anything (or at least a bit of food). Oh, must go, need to go on patrol as i've had my M and it's almost time for my well-earned kiponthecouch.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Doj's Detox Diet

Like all celebrities seem to do, i'm going to share the secrets of my health and fitness regime (but no DVD to accompany it as it would be very boring as i'm on the couch asleep when DVDs are on). Today's diet was:
Very early - 1 scoop chicken and brown rice best eaten as fast as possible in case you miss other people's breakfasts
Arrival at the holiday home - splash of milk, a markie and then some cinnamon-graham-flavour milk
Mid morning power snack - cat poo
Lunch - crumbs off the bread board, a crust and a couple of hoola hoops
Mid afternoon snack - anything which is vaguely edible on the kitchen floor
Tea - twoscoops of c &br, a small scoop and a side order of squirt
Early evening snack - a piece of napoli salami, a few grains of rice, some grated gruyere & some flapjack crumbs
Later evening snack - M
I thought i was also going to get some more chicken a few minutes ago but then i realised (i knew all along really) they were asking me to bring my Tick in from the garden.
And my fitness advice is to move as slowly as possible, bark a lot, walk very, very slowly when out on a W and fim as much as possible, but only in circles.
So you too could be as fit and healthy as me if you follow what i do.