
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baksits 1, radiators 1

Well, my radiator's reappeared but there's no heat coming out of it at present. And i got back to the holiday home last week and They seem to have quite a few people who also use the holiday home during the day and who spend their time on the roof, in various cupboards or in the fireplace. I don't mind really as the other holiday-homers also provide a good line in sandwich crusts and i get quite a lot of attention so i make sure i'm looking my cutest at present. Still no rugs down on the floor so it's a good job my baksit has come back with me and i'm using the no-rug-situation to my advantage by pesterating even more to get on the couch. The doors now seem to have gone see-through so i can sit in my baksit and keep an eye on the table whilst they are having tea then leap (or is that limp?) into action when it looks like it's scraps time. Saves me having to sit on the bare floor anyway.
TOWFM has been spotted downstairs much more this week as he's had his computer surgically removed - permanently. Bit of a worry for me as he's the only one in the house with carpet so where am i going to sit and get comfy? Mum and Pte Sector have gone skiing so i'm in residence here till Easter - i've checked the biscuit supply as it was running a bit low last week and we're now back up to strength. Oh look sharp! must get moving the deevveeddee is being wheeled out and i need to get poised for an agile leap onto the couch.......

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Early morning wake up call 3, unpopular old dojs 1

TOWFM's been away again this week without my permission - i mean who do they think is in charge here? I kept checking to make sure he wasn't hiding then decided i needed to assert my authority and remind TOWTLG and GM that everything revolves around me. So just to keep them on their toes (and out of bed) i started on my bark-at-two-oclock-in-the-morning-then-at-three-oclock-then-at fivethirty-routine, making sure that when TOWTLG came downstairs i was still lying comfily on my bed. Unfortunately though they quickly turned into shouty-no-bikker-meetings so i stopped last night (for a while, at least).
Anyway, i also find out i need to give TOWFM some techniques to make a maximum disturbance from being sick. The idea is to make those i'm-going-to-sick-heaving-creeping-along-the-ground-trapezium-shaped noises to make Them think they've got a chance of of getting to you before you're actually sick.....then throwing up at the last moment when they're only an arms length away. And under no circumstances TOWFM throw up in your own bed, that's the first rule of doj ettiket.
At least TOWFM didn't take me with him camping this time - i didn't like it last time and escaped to bark at the conservatory door to come back in in the middle of the night. (you would have had difficultly dong that up a big hill in the peak district, Tara - blogsherpa#1)
Exactly when are these radiators coming back anyway.................

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Grand national winners 1, sleeping dogs 1

I thought that time was supposed to go quicker when you get older - but this last week has seemed very long indeed and Private Sector isn't even coming for me till tomorrow. Anyone would think i've been here for two weeks, time passes so slowly (you have been here for two weeks, Tara - blogübermitarbeiter). Actually, there has been quite a lot going on. Managed to get some sunbathing in when They were all in the garden - though why they need to spend all day out there when there is a very hot conservatory to cook in like i do i don't know. We even mowed the lawn - well, i didn't exactly but i kept the GM on his toes by lying down just where he was about to mow. And then i've got a new yellow squeaky tennis ball which i'm just thrilled at.
Oh, hang on a minute - i need to pause here to go down the garden and bark at the big-noisy-things-with-flashing-lights which keep going over.
Been on my magic couch every evening too - who needs mind-binding substances when getting comfy on my own magic couch early enough in the evening producing some of the most amazingly active dreams - i feel quite worn out at the end of it.
It's been a bit confusing in the last few days (no change there then -bloglearnerdriver) as the doors appear to have been breeding - and what's more there's a whole flock of then right in the middle of the front lawn just where i (eventually) do my wee when i'm stinguished at night. Shame really, as the nice mucky splodge on TOWFM's door where i attempt to barge it open in the morning has now gone.
I decided to update my image this week and get some permanent beige (must be old Tara if you are wearing beige - blogtog#1) leggings. Well, they weren't not quite permanent but did cause a stir when i kitted myself out in them in a mega-chalky puddle up on thup-lain. Even the GM admired them though TOWTLG complained a bit y a about the mess in the backofthevolvo.
Must be time for my stint on the magic couch - should be able to get a good dream in before M time.