
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Penquins, barbequing and being sick

in that order really! I thought my luck was in on friday as TOWFM got himself all dolled up in a black and white penguin suit after spending at least two hours in the bathroom.......well i was ready to go in my black and white suit with my penguin but they left me behind! Was i dressed wrongly? I was a bit miffed and spent the rest of the evening skulking at the top of the stairs just to show TOWFM that i wasn't a bit bothered when he came home.
Things looked up the next day when TOWFM and the-one-who-never-clears-up-my-sick took me for a nice long swim and then on the way back i spotted them-with-the-SBD-and-the-cake across the field - thought at first it was more of those small skippy black and white things who invade my personal space and need a good steggy-bark at. Then realised my error and did my crinkly-wigs greeting just in case they'd brought cake with them. No luck, but it paid off in the end when the-one-who-goes-out-in-the-garden-as-often-as-me gave me a pork chop at the barbeque.......
The barbeque was great fun and i saw (and ignored) the polly (about time she got some white on her I think) and two SBDs as well as having plenty to sniff at what with the barbeque, the ginee, the farmyard, the puppies (too yappy for me) Baj and Zorro (that's what the SBDs there are called). Then i even got a bikker at hometime - still pestered for some M when i get home even though it was very late and way past my bed time. Anyway, it was all a bit much so i was sick in the night and the-one-who-cleans-up-my-sick had to do the usual - don't think i was very popular.
Back to the usual routine now - sleep on the rug, move upstairs and sleep on the landing, move into TOWFM's room and sleep next to his wardrobe, move downstairs and sleep in the conservatory...on, hang on a minute it's M time.........

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Number of people to pin me down 2, gunky ears 0

Normal service has been resumed. We've finished our exams now and can concentrate on getting the really important things done....like in-to-net ing (TOWFM does a lot of that but i've yet to see the net he keeps getting into), Mum and Private Sector going off sailing, Him drilling holes in the walls and me back at the holiday home for the duration. Apparently i'm here for a month so i'm easing myself in gently - not wandered off yet (i'll lull Him into a false sense of security them wander off just as he's about to go out, that should wind him up nicely), not sorted the cats out yet but have found some very interesting things by the woodpile and under the stack of slabs.
Cars are very confusing at the moment, Mum has a new car that isnt a volvo or a passat and at the holiday home they dropped me off in a skoda (i have to say it quietly as there is a bit of a stick-ma attached to those sort of cars you know).
I'm easing myself back into blogging gently (don't want to do myself an injury) so now that i've finished this entry i'm going to lie on the mat and make irritating noises all evening......