
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Number of people to pin me down 2, gunky ears 0

Normal service has been resumed. We've finished our exams now and can concentrate on getting the really important things done....like in-to-net ing (TOWFM does a lot of that but i've yet to see the net he keeps getting into), Mum and Private Sector going off sailing, Him drilling holes in the walls and me back at the holiday home for the duration. Apparently i'm here for a month so i'm easing myself in gently - not wandered off yet (i'll lull Him into a false sense of security them wander off just as he's about to go out, that should wind him up nicely), not sorted the cats out yet but have found some very interesting things by the woodpile and under the stack of slabs.
Cars are very confusing at the moment, Mum has a new car that isnt a volvo or a passat and at the holiday home they dropped me off in a skoda (i have to say it quietly as there is a bit of a stick-ma attached to those sort of cars you know).
I'm easing myself back into blogging gently (don't want to do myself an injury) so now that i've finished this entry i'm going to lie on the mat and make irritating noises all evening......


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